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Posts posted by AlunB

  1. Re: Poker Player Grandprix 7 Turns out our staff writer, Keir, won the latest one! The massive luckbox. The good news is he's not going to take any of the added cash, so that's a few more quid for anyone who did cash. And bwin are going to pay down a bit deeper with the added cash (which is something like $850 I think) Cheers Alun

  2. Re: Poker Player Grandprix 7 It's a deepish stack I guess :unsure There will be $1k added to the prizepool though. We've spoken to bwin and it's a bit complicated due to the guarantee but money will be added to the prizepool after the event. Cheers Alun

  3. Re: FullTiltPoker's Alderney Gaming license revoked Who would you declare insolvent? Who owes the money to the players? Where are they regulated? Full Tilt is comprised of a number of companies, some who own the intellectual property, some who provide 'marketing services', some who hold the licences (there are four of these in Alderney alone), some who own the software. And pretty much all of these are based in different locations around the world. It's not clear at all what state the company is in sadly. So no it's not as simple as that I'm afraid. Plus Alderney have placed the four companies under its control in a state of limbo at the moment. It's all a bit of a mess frankly.

  4. Re: Poker Player Grandprix 7 Who did you email? We've got a pretty powerful/annoying spam filter that often swallows up emails we don't want blocked. We don't deal with subs directly, it's a separate company that does that, but we can give them a kick up the arse for you.

  5. Re: PokerPlayer Mag / PokerStars UKIPT Dublin Package Aug.7th 4.30pm

    not wanting to distract from Jason`s win, Alun, this is not the 1st time they have cocked up in a PP Mag game. but well done Stars for putting another seat up for grabs :clap:clap you know i am one of your biggest fans and the tourneys you put on are great but it does seem that way at times.
    Thanks Al, and yeah I know you are. It's much appreciated. With the volume of tourneys they run it's understandable they make mistakes every now and again. And it wasn't done deliberately as you suggested. Besides, the end result was still a top value tournament. We all make mistakes sometimes. I know I do. And it says a lot more about a person/company how they respond to them than the fact they made them in the first place. Anyway. Sorry if this has distracted from the congrats for the win. Maybe a mod should break this out? Although I will shut up after this. I just thought it was worth adding. CONGRATS ON THE WIN :clap Take it down in Dublin please!
  6. Re: PokerPlayer Mag / PokerStars UKIPT Dublin Package Aug.7th 4.30pm

    its never fair for the readers' date=',all they want are the numbers[/quote'] Absolute rubbish Al, and I would have expected better from you to be honest. Stars made a mistake in setting up this tournament so it ran as a freeroll instead of a buy-in. Now, unlike many other mags we DO actually care about keeping our tournaments for readers only. So, Stars being the class act they are, they agree to run ANOTHER tournament for readers only with a UKIPT Seat added. Not a package this time, but still an amazing added prize. Details should be available tomorrow, but it will likely be on Sunday afternoon and will be a $5.50 buy-in with the password as displayed in the mag. In the meantime, HUGE congrats to Rivrd on taking it down. PL once again showing them how its done. Cheers Alun
  7. Re: Free Rugby Tickets - Poker Optional Yep it's a right slog being a poker journalist! :cigar She was a really good laugh. Should make for a good interview. As to the rugby, I might need to work late tomorrow now so if someone else wants them then get in touch with VoJ as you should take priority over me.

  8. Re: what an offer again

    Invite has been sent :ok
    I haven't received this, but my email has been out of action since Thursday and is only just back so that's not surprising. I probably won't be able to make it, although I will try. I might make it down for the PLO, but the hold'em is looking very unlikely.
  9. Re: what an offer again

    See what you mean.My PP mag came yesterday BUT for £5 a year delivered to the door still worth it.:nana
    Thanks for the continued support mate. I'll see if Stars can turn your boom switch on for the UKIPT qualifier as a thanks. p.s Just for the tinfoil hat crowd. I'm joking.
  10. Re: what an offer again

    Deals may be good but the service isn't. took out sub following this offer. "PokerPlayer, the UK’s no.1 poker magazine has teamed up with the world’s leading 3D poker site PKR.com to offer readers a free PKR Open tournament entry ticket (worth $22) when you try the next 3 issues of Poker Player for just £1." Still waiting for the tournament ticket. Got bizzare reply saying "thank you for your recent correspondence and our apologies in the delay in responding. I can confirm that the tickets have been sent out on the 10 June 2011, however they can take up to 28 days for delivery. Despite pointing out the tickets would be registered to my PKR account online not posted, I have never got an answer or received the ticket.
    Send me an email ([email protected]) with the details and I will look into it.
  11. Re: what an offer again Paul interviewed him yesterday as it goes. Should be a story up on the web pretty soon. I was thinking about tax-dodging layabout wins poker-based lottery in Vegas.

  12. Re: PokerPlayer Gala UK Tour - next Event Leeds 23rd July

    well done Fenners,looks like there will be a good contingent of PL`ers :ok from what i can see so far: teaulc fenners rejmak milber spitvenom pokerpad beanolizzy chromehead dave488 (when he qualifies) any more for any more ?
    I will be there, but I won't be playing unless there is some cash game action on the side. I have to get a train back later that evening sadly...
  13. Re: UK online gambling laws to change.

    Have you seen how much rake the French have to pay? :loon (this shows it: http://www.pokertableratings.com/poker-rake-analysis/no-limit-hold'em) Actually - skimming how the thread has evolved on 2plus2, it doesn't appear as if the consensus is that that is how it is going :hope
    I'd be very surprised if they followed the French system seeing as nobody is making any money there. You don't want to kill the golden goose. What they do want to do is stop all the UK bookies moving their online business offshore (again) and make some money from the firms spending millions advertising in the UK but based offshore. Nothing surprises me any more in this business, but it would be a shock if the tax was aimed anywhere other than the profits of the business or somewhere else that had no 'direct' impact on the punters.
  14. Re: UK online gambling laws to change. That 2+2 thread is just a mess. There are a few well informed posters, but most people have no idea what they are talking about. Here is the official news release and statement http://www.culture.gov.uk/news/media_releases/8299.aspx http://www.culture.gov.uk/news/ministers_speeches/8293.aspx And here is Alderney's response to it http://www.gamblingcontrol.org/userfiles/file/Media%20Statement%20-%20DCMS%20110711.pdf Anyone who claims to know what the outcome will be is lying or misinformed. And it won't happen soon. There will be a fairly lengthy consultation process before this becomes law. And according to the Alderney statement that won't be til late 2012 at the latest.

  15. Re: FullTiltPoker's Alderney Gaming license revoked

    Are FTP that organised? I think you give FTP too much credit as we all know they've been a mess for a long long time :lol Anyway who in their right mind would put money back on that site even if they did move? They're pretty much at this moment in time a slightly (only slightly) more reputable company than UB. I'd keep money well clear of any site that servers US players apart from Stars right now too.
    Indeed I probably am. It should be really basic management to have some sort of plan for power blackouts in Alderney etc etc. They were previously licenced in Kahnawake and would likely still have servers there. The site even makes reference to the fact that data may be stored on servers in Ireland or Kahnawake. Not sure about an up to date licence though.
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