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Circus Poker Las Vegas team Challenge


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Re: Circus Poker Las Vegas team Challenge No good for me tonight, 154th i think, get in a massive pot which would put me to top ten, with aces double suited, against kings and tens i think, i'm leading on the flop, pick up the flush draw on the turn and then k arrives on the river to give guy the chip lead for the tourney!:wall:wall:wall Suppose i can't complain as i did outdraw aces with kings at the PLWSOP Omaha game on saturday.:$ I rebuy, get involved in another pot where i have to fold the river with only 400 chips left, next hand i pick up queens, just limp as i'm first to act and betting 210 would be a waste of time, while commiting me to pot. Anyway flop comes queen high for trips, i bet the pot 360, which puts mw virtually all in, 2 callers, i pick up the flush draw on the turn, guy catches his gutshot on the river to put me out.:puke Frustrating game this omaha:\ Good look guys anyway, there's always next week i suppose:eyes

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