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i got heckled a fair bit by this


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was i right to fold or should i have called and taken the gamble.... AndyBell is a player i respect a lot and wouldnt be going all in with nothing,i put him on AK at least,now the short stack had no choice and could have had anything so as far i was concerned with only being 2 away from the money i was prepared to limp in, but the heckling by one player ( who funny enough didnt cash ) just couldnt let it be.... i knew i wasnt going to win the tourney but who knows ... chip and chair when the bubble bursts,i seen it happen often what do you think? PokerStars Game #49971199861: Tournament #309745529, £2.00+£0.20 GBP Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (1000/2000) - 2010/09/21 23:13:46 WET [2010/09/21 18:13:46 ET] Table '309745529 7' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: SirWigALot (5908 in chips) Seat 3: A-FISTFULL (1985 in chips) Seat 4: teaulc (6750 in chips) Seat 5: HectorMcG (56652 in chips) Seat 6: gacr 43 (47585 in chips) Seat 7: john44john (9433 in chips) Seat 8: QUAK QUACK (8548 in chips) Seat 9: unholydamo (15530 in chips) SirWigALot: posts the ante 200 A-FISTFULL: posts the ante 200 teaulc: posts the ante 200 HectorMcG: posts the ante 200 gacr 43: posts the ante 200 john44john: posts the ante 200 QUAK QUACK: posts the ante 200 unholydamo: posts the ante 200 A-FISTFULL: posts small blind 1000 teaulc: posts big blind 2000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Qs Qd] teaulc said, "phew" HectorMcG: folds gacr 43: folds john44john: folds QUAK QUACK said, "today" QUAK QUACK: folds unholydamo: folds SirWigALot: raises 3708 to 5708 and is all-in A-FISTFULL: calls 785 and is all-in teaulc: folds Uncalled bet (3708) returned to SirWigALot *** FLOP *** [Kc 5c 7s] *** TURN *** [Kc 5c 7s] [Tc] teaulc said, "folded QQ" *** RIVER *** [Kc 5c 7s Tc] [Ks] *** SHOW DOWN *** SirWigALot: shows [Jd Ad] (a pair of Kings) SirWigALot collected 430 from side pot A-FISTFULL: shows [3d 3c] (two pair, Kings and Threes) A-FISTFULL collected 6955 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7385 Main pot 6955. Side pot 430. | Rake 0 Board [Kc 5c 7s Tc Ks] Seat 1: SirWigALot (button) showed [Jd Ad] and won (430) with a pair of Kings Seat 3: A-FISTFULL (small blind) showed [3d 3c] and won (6955) with two pair, Kings and Threes Seat 4: teaulc (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: HectorMcG folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: gacr 43 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: john44john folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: QUAK QUACK folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: unholydamo folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this Lol - thanks for the respect. But all joking aside you had to respect my play as it was a squeeze to take your blinds and hopefully take out any two cards the other player had i the sb. I know many people would have defintley called with qq there as they would not respect the button pushing. Either way, I totally agree the guy was out of order and would not let it go - ridiculous considering he donked off when he was sitting comfortably itm.

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this isnt the ultimate aim of a poker player to make money? whether you think it was an atrocious fold or not as i as i was concerned i did the right thing. i dont want to play for 3 hours and end up with feck all no matter how little an amount. a cash is a cash is a cash.

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

isnt the ultimate aim of a poker player to make money? whether you think it was an atrocious fold or not as i as i was concerned i did the right thing. i dont want to play for 3 hours and end up with feck all no matter how little an amount. a cash is a cash is a cash.
I thought the aim was to extract the maximum value from your position :unsure You've flung away a third of your chips with your BB when already very short stacked, ICM would tell you to call with virtually any two cards here. you could maybe just about make a case for this in a DoN but in a tourney with a tiered payout structure it's impossible The maths seem utterly compelling here. This is a dreadful fold. Having said that, no one has any business to abuse you in chat.
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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this I wouldn't get upset what any donk says when your playing poker m8 .i couldn't have folded and would be happy to get them in here,if you were absolutely guaranteed to be ITM then maybe a fold is ok but you were shortstacked in the BB for a third of your stack, blinds are big and you will have to call with atc when your or in the BB next time, how did everyone know you folded queens,its not a good idea to let players know you are willing to fold very good hands near the money.

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this Sorry, I have to make my stand again. The guy wasn't a donk, but very good player. He wasn't bad beat or anything by Al. He basically responded to Al's confession about folding QQ. He just said it's a worst fold ever (and I entirely agree) and that he will never win fuk all playing like that (that's true again). It didn't help for Al when he decided to involved in conversation instead of being quiet. Al responded and I quote "Have you ever cashed in WSOP?" :eyes So, he folded QQ with 2 blinds left and then folded BB of 2k to be left with 150 chips to win £12. Then, to bring up cashing in in WSOP????? Sorry, but that stinks of no class and no self respect. And why open this tread at all? Just as bad. Al, you know that I'm your friend (hope still am), but sometimes you have to think before you act.

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this i dont get upset by anything, i totally understand the maths etc but this was a one off situation where as far as i am concerned i did the right thing. there were 2 goals, 1 was to get the ticket and after that was to cash. it doesnt matter whether i would have won the hand or not i achieved what i set out to do in the situation i was in. you have to take into account,there were about 2 other players in a similar position near both bubbles. i never said he was a donk but he was in a very good position to cash and he failed to do so, i was in a very bad position and did cash. :tongue2 i have been in too many games where i have done the right thing and lost so this time i reversed it, nobody`s perfect and i am sure everyone has done something that in the norm you wouldnt do. Heniek my Polish Fish, you will always be my friend :D

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this Fair enough, but I'm not buying it. You can fold QQ or AA in satellite but not in this situation. It wasn't about correct decision, but about correct play. Al, do me a huge favour. Next time when you sucked on, just say nh and nothing else. Can you do that? ;)

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

If Ive read this write then this is a satellite? if so then folding qq there isn't bad to get the ticket. Obviously if I'm wrong and it's a normal mtt then you should always be calling this all day long.
its a satellite for the pokerface final $2.20 buy in plus R/A
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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

its a satellite for the pokerface final $2.20 buy in plus R/A
I'm confused by what the payout structure is, but I'm almost certainly calling. If it's the final table of a satellite, with 8 players left and the top 7 players all getting exactly the same prize, then I call because I have both players covered and the only way I lose is if the short stack finishes with the best hand, and the mid stack beats me, but has a worse hand than the short stack .... even then I'm not completely out.... whereas if I fold, and the short stack wins, then I'm slipping towards perilous danger... If it's a standard MTT then it's a straightforward call.
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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this If you have already qualifed you should be looking to win the tourney i would have though, if you just wonna limp in to the money then you have set yourself two targets that dont add up With any sat you just have to qualify, so 2 from the bubble instant fold, but you had already qualified which was the main objective, anything else would be a bonus, so i would have though that was a prime spot to call no matter who was playing at the table, once qualified win it! Only my opinion

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

isnt the ultimate aim of a poker player to make money? a cash is a cash is a cash.
You are not going to make any money if you keep folding these hands
i dont get upset by anything' date= there were 2 goals, 1 was to get the ticket and after that was to cash.i never said he was a donk but he was in a very good position to cash and he failed to do so, i was in a very bad position and did cash. :tongue2
obviously you do get upset otherwise you wouldnt be posting up this thread. As Hens already posted you already have your ticket so go for it FFS :wall
Fair enough, but I'm not buying it. Al, do me a huge favour. Next time when you sucked on, just say nh and nothing else. Can you do that? ;)
If the heckling is affecting you which again obviously is - then turn the fking thing off.
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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this As you can see, I was sat at the same table and, although I understood the decision at the time (Al had already qualified for the first target, the Sunday final, he then set himself a second target of getting in to the money), I also understood why he got the criticism. In his defence, there were quite a few short stacks near the cash bubble, and it looked like the bubble could burst very soon. Cash prizes for the top 27, starting at $12.50-ish, and not rising above $15 until about 12th (I think), so it's a fairly standard structure, with approx $250 for 1st. Would I have done the same thing in Al's position? I doubt it. Yes, there's a risk that I would have missed the cash bubble, but with the primary target achieved, I'm only worried about losing to the button shove, who also knows that I can only call with a big hand, so could (and should) be shoving with a lot less than AdJd. Personally, I would have called quicker than I can type with QQ in that position. If I then lost, I would comfort myself with the fact that I almost certainly made the right decision at the time. That said, I think that Al's much bigger mistake was telling us what he had ;) I remember an old thread from Valiant, explaining how we should regularly assess our position in a tournament, and revise what our targets should be. In this instance, Al decided that his target was to get a financial return for his time - that's his choice :ok

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this Synopsis Alan had bubble worries Embrace the bubble People who worry about the bubble are playing scared Alan didn't embrace the bubble Scared = Chicken Alan is a male of the species Therefore: Alan = Cock ;)

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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

Synopsis Alan had bubble worries Embrace the bubble People who worry about the bubble are playing scared Alan didn't embrace the bubble Scared = Chicken Alan is a male of the species Therefore: Alan = Cock ;)
:clap:clap:clap i have been waiting for your response Bri, and i have to say :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy :D:D:D
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Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this do what you like mate,, this was just a one off as explained to McG,but you are not far wrong with regards to the bubble, i have been in this position as have many others too often and done the right thing and lost out. this time i had made the decision to make the money no matter what,true i shouldnt have said anything at the time but i do believe everyone has the right to play how they want to. i dare say most of you have all played hands you wouldnt want made public, i just like to share mine, it gives you all a misconception of me :tongue2

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