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Time Bank


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Re: Time Bank This is the hand i spent 16 seconds to think about what to do. PokerStars Game #49943429908: Hold'em No Limit ($0.01/$0.02 USD) - 2010/09/21 12:29:55 WET [2010/09/21 7:29:55 ET] Table 'Magaclite' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: Less Ronaldo ($0.71 in chips) Seat 2: JUGBucket ($1 in chips) Seat 4: th0mas-poker ($1 in chips) Seat 5: jaque9 ($1.85 in chips) Seat 7: atkinsonj ($1.67 in chips) Seat 8: byt4444 ($5.21 in chips) Seat 9: multby ($0.87 in chips) th0mas-poker: posts small blind $0.01 jaque9: posts big blind $0.02 theJigga05: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to atkinsonj [Td 4d] atkinsonj: calls $0.02 byt4444: calls $0.02 multby: folds Less Ronaldo: folds JUGBucket: calls $0.02 th0mas-poker: folds jaque9: checks *** FLOP *** [3s 7d Ts] jaque9: bets $0.04 atkinsonj: calls $0.04 byt4444: calls $0.04 JUGBucket: raises $0.08 to $0.12 jaque9: calls $0.08 atkinsonj: calls $0.08 byt4444: folds *** TURN *** [3s 7d Ts] [2d] jaque9: checks atkinsonj: checks JUGBucket: bets $0.30 I have top pair, thought he might be on a draw trying to take in there and then. Tell me what you think will post the rest after :ok

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Re: Time Bank

Can anyone tell me how to get more thinking time in a cash game i used some and only had 14 seconds. What if i used the lot then i wouldn't have any left, i could of been in the game another 3 hours without any thinking time then whaat do i do???
It's been a while, but I think you get 14 seconds for every hand!:unsure TQM
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Re: Time Bank

I would question why you called pre flop.
I have seen 25 hand and only had 2 good hand thought i would see the flop
I would then question why you called the raise on the flop.
I was going to raise but with the raise already a call would do, then with a reraise here i thought he might have 2 over cards, draw or small pair
I would then be folding the turn.
like i said i thought that he was steeling it and on a draw, don't think the raise would of been so big if it was 2 overs or a small pair
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Re: Time Bank

I have seen 25 hand and only had 2 good hand thought i would see the flop
Playing cash is a massive game of patience. Its ok raising and reraising at the right time in the right postition with crap but calling raises and reraises with poor hands is just going to lose you money long term. I am no expert and a losing player at cash so like I said just my opinion.
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Re: Time Bank Ok here jaque9: folds atkinsonj: raises $0.56 to $0.86 JUGBucket: calls $0.56 and is all-in *** RIVER *** [3s 7d Ts 2d] [Qd] *** SHOW DOWN *** atkinsonj: shows [Td 4d] (a flush, Queen high) JUGBucket: shows [3d 3h] (three of a kind, Threes) atkinsonj collected $2.11 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $2.21 | Rake $0.10 Board [3s 7d Ts 2d Qd] I never put him on trips but got luck this time and hit my flush. Looking back staffy is right i should just wait for those good hands and folded this :ok

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Re: Time Bank

if you got to think about it' date=' FOLD[/quote'] I respect your game a lot Alan but i think this is pretty bad advice. The best decisions are made when you take at least a moment to consider all the possibilities and available options. Take a moment to make an abnormal play in a normal situation. Most of the time you'll be surprised by the results.
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Re: Time Bank

I respect your game a lot Alan but i think this is pretty bad advice. The best decisions are made when you take at least a moment to consider all the possibilities and available options. Take a moment to make an abnormal play in a normal situation. Most of the time you'll be surprised by the results.
by way of thinking, if it has to take more than 3 to 5 seconds to make a decision, FOLD, but ty for that Nade :ok
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Re: Time Bank

I respect your game a lot Alan but i think this is pretty bad advice. The best decisions are made when you take at least a moment to consider all the possibilities and available options. Take a moment to make an abnormal play in a normal situation. Most of the time you'll be surprised by the results.
Nade, I'm an advocate of this way of thinking too (not that me saying that is a massive endorsement :$), but the reason I have given that advice in the past is that when you enter a hand you should have a plan of action in mind. If you are in a hand where you have to spend too much time thinking, then that suggests that the hand hasn't gone to plan. Also its possible that some players (and I think that can apply to teaulc from what I remember of him - and in no way is it a criticism) tend to overthink hands in order to manufacture the scenario to their liking when in actual fact it makes good sense to fold. To be fair, that could apply to this hand too. Gaf said it best when he said that poker is about making correct decisions, and the result is irrelevant. If you don't know what the right decision is, then surely its prudent to fold and take the hand away, post it in the strategy forum and learn there, where it's less costly? Just to add, I don't apply this thinking to live poker, just online where time is very much at a premium.
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Re: Time Bank I'm struggling to understand this concept where not thinking about a decision is better then thinking about a decision. OK it's good to have a plan, but it's impossible to predict what's going to happen, what cards are going to fall and how opponents will react to those cards. Not being able to adjust is more fatal than not being able to plan IMO. I think what it comes down to is people want to make easy decisions and easy money and so try to put poker decisions into categories for an easier life and then try and justify it as being good solid play. What i'm saying is eating out of vacuum packed tupperware is all well and good, it's safe, but there's a lot more to life and sometimes you just gotta go hunt something in the woods from time to time.

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Re: Time Bank

I'm struggling to understand this concept where not thinking about a decision is better then thinking about a decision. OK it's good to have a plan, but it's impossible to predict what's going to happen, what cards are going to fall and how opponents will react to those cards. Not being able to adjust is more fatal than not being able to plan IMO. I think what it comes down to is people want to make easy decisions and easy money and so try to put poker decisions into categories for an easier life and then try and justify it as being good solid play. What i'm saying is eating out of vacuum packed tupperware is all well and good, it's safe, but there's a lot more to life and sometimes you just gotta go hunt something in the woods from time to time.
I think that is probably the best post I've ever seen from you Tom. Wisdom beyond your years spent on this earth. Incidently, what you've said is true for situations far beyond mere poker.
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Re: Time Bank

I'm struggling to understand this concept where not thinking about a decision is better then thinking about a decision. OK it's good to have a plan, but it's impossible to predict what's going to happen, what cards are going to fall and how opponents will react to those cards. Not being able to adjust is more fatal than not being able to plan IMO. I think what it comes down to is people want to make easy decisions and easy money and so try to put poker decisions into categories for an easier life and then try and justify it as being good solid play. What i'm saying is eating out of vacuum packed tupperware is all well and good, it's safe, but there's a lot more to life and sometimes you just gotta go hunt something in the woods from time to time.
Can't really argue with you at all. Its a fair point well made. I also think it is something that you're going to have to do to develop as a player. :ok Do you think that its possible that players could get into the habit of getting into awkward situations to the extent that it becomes a leak in their game? I think it is, and thats where 'not thinking' (perhaps too simplistic a phrase) can help. I'd be interested in knwing what Teaulc says about this because before I went missing he seemed to be aggrieved about certain situation he found himself in, and wondering why he was on the wrong end of things. It appears to me that Alan has managed to plug that particular leak by using this approach to help him. I'm certainly not at loggerheads with any other approach and absolutely agree that experience comes by tackling these situations from time to time.
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Re: Time Bank

I'd be interested in knwing what Teaulc says about this because before I went missing he seemed to be aggrieved about certain situation he found himself in, and wondering why he was on the wrong end of things. It appears to me that Alan has managed to plug that particular leak by using this approach to help him.
Andy, can you pm me a reminder of this,:ok obviously it depends on where your sitting at the table so thinking time can vary from a few seconds to pretty much a minute,but you should be able to make a decision within 5 seconds
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Re: Time Bank

I think that is probably the best post I've ever seen from you Tom. Wisdom beyond your years spent on this earth. Incidently' date=' what you've said is true for situations far beyond mere poker.[/quote'] Thanks i respect your opinions a lot :clap. I've been trying to get more into philosophy and psychology over the last couple of months as they fascinate me just as much as poker, i'm not totally sure how it's relevant but i know i'm thinking about poker in much better and clearer ways these days and somehow managed to articulate a post for the first time in 3.5yrs. Will be a long wait for the next one :lol
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Re: Time Bank

obviously it depends on where your sitting at the table so thinking time can vary from a few seconds to pretty much a minute,but you should be able to make a decision within 5 seconds
I'm sorry Alan I'm not trolling you honest - I've just not been around the forum for a while and I'm catching up on a few posts this weekend. This is a ridiculous statement to make, poker is a complex games full of complex decisions, 5 seconds is not enough for the simplest decision. I have decisions everyday that go way beyond the clock and the timebank and you are left wishing you have more time (probably why I prefer liver poker). How can you possibly think 5 seconds is enough? You probably rely a lot on gut but that is not nearly enough to make you a winning player. PS great post Tom :ok
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