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Ladbrokes - Steve Davis Bounty (and chat box quiz)


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Ladbrokes Poker are pleased to announce that Snooker legend Steve 5K2 Davis will be joining us each month for a night of Poker Fun and frollics. Join us for an evening of snooker loopy poker. Steve and Jon "skalie" Kalmar the Ladbrokes sponsored pro will play in a special bounty tournament on September 16th, so get those snooker and poker questions ready to fire at them in the chat. After Steve and Jon are eliminated, they will join some Sit and Go tournaments where we'll set some questions in the chat and reward some Ladbrokes Poker Cruise Tournament tickets which you can use to try and win a £4,000 Ladbrokes Poker Cruise setting sail in January 2011. Remember to turn on your poker room messages, we will send system messages to let you know which sit and go tables Steve and John join, the succesful players who join the table will get a £13 Cruise Steps Tournament ticket credited to their accounts. We have 50 tickets to give away, so don't miss the action at the tables and in the chat. To turn messages on click on menu in the lobby (bottom left / message settings). Ensure both options are ticked. photo_94520091003_162220.jpg Next tournament - 16th September with Special Guest Jon "skalie" Kalmar

  • Tournament name: Steve "5K2" Davis Bounty
  • Lobby Location: Tournaments/ Special
  • Time: 19:30
  • Bounty: £200 on Steve "5K2" Davis and Jon "skalie" Kalmar
  • The bounties will apply after the rebuy period has ended
  • The first person who knocks out Steve "5K2" Davis will get an exclusive "I knocked out Steve Davis" mug
  • Steve Davis has won 6 World titles so the 6th place finisher will receive a pair of tickets for a top snooker tournament
  • 2000 chips, 10 minute blinds
  • £5 + 0.50 buy in with half price rebuys and 1 add on
  • No Limit hold'em rebuy

18th August Steve Davis Bounty tournament report The tournament started with 353 players registered. Creating a total prize pool of £3,400 after the rebuy period ended. With £850 going to 1st place there was all to play for. Steve 5K2 Davis played solid poker as per usual. He was quickly up to 6k chips at the break when the bounty prize for knocking him out kicked in. With the chat screens alive with questions like “why 5K Steve?” and “How come you’re interesting now and you weren’t so interesting in the 80’s and 90’s?” Steve’s banter more than matched the myriad of questions and being fired at him. Then 10 minutes after the break with blinds at 100/ 200 with a 20 chip ante steve was dealt KK in mid position. He raised for 800 chips and had 3 callers. The flop came 8d 9s 4d. Steve pushed all in after a check from player in 4th position and was called by the ever hopeful Alva333 who had him covered and was after the £200 bounty. Unfortunately for Alva333 his pair of eights were too weak and with the 6h on the turn and Js on the river Steve took down the 17,320 chip pot putting him in a much more comfortable position. Steve was then relatively card dead until 20 minutes after the 2nd break with his stack down to 8k and blinds at 500/1000 with a 100 ante Steve pushed all in pre flop with a pair of 3’s. Two callers completely missed their overcards shipping the 17k pot to Steve. The very next hand was to be his undoing though, buoyed by the success of his 3’s holding up Steve pushed all in with 9 9 pre flop. Alias pokerpolly, who had Steve covered, could not hit the call button quick enough holding QQ and sent Steve to the rails winning the 53,000 pot and the £200 bounty when Steve’s pair of 9’s did not improve with the board showing 4c Kc 2h 7c Jh. pokerpolly also wins the much coveted “I knocked out Steve Davis mug” which no doubt will take pride of place in pokerpolly’s kitchen. The night did not end there, after a strong cup of tea Steve sat at Omaha cash table Bagpuss where he continued to play until the wee small hours answering questions in the chat and setting some of his own Snooker trivia questions for cruise teps tickets. 50 x £13 cruise Steps Level 1 tickets were given away in the chat and to players who were sat at the same table as Steve. Although MGR- Richard was obviously running out of questions when he asked what colour pants he was wearing (answer – Red by the way!) On that note, MGR-Richard had no luck at all in the tournament until the hand before the 1st break where his fishy all in with K 10 out of position (they were suited is his excuse!) was snap called by ThePup holding A K suited and dingdong100 also with A K suited. There were audible gasps of shock from the internet hinterland when MGR-Richard hit a 10 on the turn. His luck eventually ran out however after the 2nd break when he called a raise from djhiggs25 holding J 9 suited. The flop came 9c 2d 10s MGR-Richard pushed all in only to run into djhiggs25’s pair of jacks. Needless to say the Jacks held and the chips and a £50 bounty was credited to djhiggs25’s account. Play went on and _Baghheera_ took down the tournament and the £850 1st place prize money, tonytata came 2nd for a £544 pay day and djhiggs25 used MGR-Richards chips wisely to finish 3rd winning a further £374. The 6th placed player orzechladb won the Snooker Tournament tickets along with the £153 cash prize. Next month’s tournament date will be announced soon…

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