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Home Game 18th September


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Re: Home Game 18th September

Gal really sorry mate as much as I would like to come I just cant make it. Money issues and all that. Its about a month to soon. Maybe next time. Hope you all have a great time.
Can't make this now' date=' but no doubt we'll all meet up at PL WSOP. :ok[/quote'] :sad
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Re: Home Game 18th September Lovely to see Gina again and whole Kent's gang. Thanks to Jackie and Eric for hospitality. Good to see them settling well in the new house and being happy. Well done Washy for winning big. Most memorable hand: AIPF Washy J8 Gina AA flop K92 turn 8 river J. So fukin fixed :eyes.

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Re: Home Game 18th September Was a great eveving and a big thanks to Jackie and Eric for there hospitality, good to see everyone again, and nice tio finally meet Gina. Gina also managed to cash in both games and also gained herself the wooden spoon, but this time only to hit Washy after busting her AA as Hen posted above :puke Its all fixed this live play i'm telling you. :rollin:rollin:rollin

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Re: Home Game 18th September I should have better not hit him with the wooden spoon, I thought this may have brought him luck ;). When I arrived and saw that Washy made it to the homegame, I said to Jackie and Washy well we know who will win the games. And both assured me that Washy never wins homegames. So first game I threatened him with kicking him under the table should he have a go at my chips - and he won the game. Second game I was sitting with my wooden spooden and hit him once or twice - and he won. I should have better poked him with my needle instead :lol So perhaps the secret is Washy needs to be hitten with a wooden spoon to win homegames :rollin:rollin:rollin

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