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Jenspm tries to poke 'er


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ehh, most creative title I could think of. The plot: I'm terrible at poker, but have the month off so should be able to at least learn something. To avoid bluffing myself into debt, I'll only be playing on Betfair's $1.20 buy-ins exclusively, and maybe some freerolls at unibet as well. Bankroll: nothing fixed, I'll stop when the bank starts complaining Goal: avoid dept I'm mid-tournament now; 9:15 NL Hold 'em $1.20 buy-in - 132 entrants, 20 places paid currently sitting 36th of 39 remaining :unsure

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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Finished 38th.. Went all in pre-flop with 99 and 7BB, was seen by off-suit low cards and he got a straight. :( so Tournaments: 1 Total Buy-ins: $1.20 In-the-money: 0 P/L: -$1.20 prepare for more red numbers :nana

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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er

Good luck with this!:ok Feel free to post your exit hand histories each time and the folks on here might be able to offer some advice. TQM
will do, will definitely need some guidance as we walk along. Might post more than the exit hand as well, we'll see. and thanks Morlspin :ok
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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Thats two hands you have gone out with pushing all in with less than 10 bbs. Not being cheeky but at these levels you should either be getting knocked out sooner by pushing sooner or knocked out later because you pushed sooner and either kept your fold equity or got lucky and doubled up. Must be really hard to get a foothold in poker theses days with so many half decent player prepaired to multitable low buy in tournies but good luck to you and :hope Small stake sit and goes might be easier and definately offer a quicker learning curve.

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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er :nana:nana:nana:nana:nana Finished 3rd for $9.98! Not a lot of money, but that's past the point. As for my exit hand, I was small blind with 10BB and 33, dealer folded, I went all in - I can't remember exactly what the other guy had, but I had a 49% chance of winning, he had 47%.. Tournaments: 3 Total Buy-ins: $2.21 In-the-money: 1 Total Payout: $9.88 P/L: +$7.76 :dude

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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Fantastic....it doesn't look like you need much advice but I'll have a wee look at the other thread!:clap:clap:clap By the way Glceud is spot on ....getting below 10 BB's is asking for trouble and will rarely get you in the higher paying spots......I tend to shove with any 2 cards when I'm around 15 BB's if it's folded to me....it just makes it harder for those to follow to call me with marginal hands!:ok Well done again...I'll check the other thread!:ok TQM

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Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er SnG's are a lot faster. If something is wrong with my game I sometimes play a few SnG's to see what basic aspect of the game I am messing up. I see it as the perfect training ground for MTT players. A MTT player who can not play SnG can not be very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Haven't had the chance to play a lot, but you can add three SnG's to that list, 2 of which landed me in the money :) So that's 5 times in-the-money in the last 7, starting to get the hang of things I think :) Decided to go up to the $1.20 "Double or Nothing SnG" - $2 for each of the top 5/10 for those unaware. And, well, ended top 5 :) Out-hand from one of the two other SnG's: Table: Table #1 [80143056] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 300/600, ante: 60, TC) User: Jens2211 Button: seat 4 Players in round: 3 Seat 6: winker51 (7915) Seat 7: Jens2211 (4225) Seat 4: jaaaYzeee (7860) winker51 posts ante 60 Jens2211 posts ante 60 jaaaYzeee posts ante 60 winker51 posts small blind (300) Jens2211 posts big blind (600) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to Jens2211: [Td, Tc] jaaaYzeee calls 600 winker51 folds Jens2211 raises 3565 to 4165 [all in] jaaaYzeee calls 3565 --- --- Dealing flop [4h, 6c, 3s] --- Dealing turn [9h] --- Dealing river [Js] --- Summary: Main pot: 8810 won by jaaaYzeee (8810) Rake taken: $0 Seat 6: winker51 (7555), net: -360 Seat 7: Jens2211 (0), net: -4225, [Td, Tc] (PAIR TEN) Seat 4: jaaaYzeee (12445), net: +4585, [Jc, Kc] (PAIR JACK) ***** End of hand T5-80143056-38 ***** :wall Still no money to talk about due to the low stakes, but I'll take $7.37 profit from $5.51 staked anytime :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Haven't been able to play for aaaaaaaaages due to not having a working PC (currently on a public one in my dorm, cannot install poker software), but that should be sorted within a couple of weeks. Anyways, joined the university's poker league, and had the first tournament today. 'twas just a small buy-in of £1 to not scare people off, but I finished 7th out of 72 for £7 :) My out-hand was as so: I was small blind with slightly under 10BB, and was dealt K6s. Everyone folded up to the dealer who called, I went all in, BB folded, dealer called with 88. Correct move..?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Jenspm tries to poke 'er Played the $100 freeroll on Betfair, finished 5th/1500 for $5.50 :) Came in to the final table as chip leader, but got three bad beats in a row (opponent all-in, my hand better but he wins), and ended up having to go all in with K9o with something like 3BB's and got beat by A7o.

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