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Best Poker Clubs in the UK?


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Hi, I'm doing some research for a new series of features on the gems of the UK live poker circuit. I'm talking poker-only clubs and members' clubs here, NOT casinos or pub poker. Examples: Cincinnati Club in Glasgow, Big SLick in Croydon, KC's in Swindon, Duff's Full House in Portsmouth, London clubs like International, Equal Chance and the new Fox Club. If anyone would like to suggest some that they know from around the country and would be worthy of inclusion, post here or PM me. Cheers Jon

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Re: Best Poker Clubs in the UK? We've covered plenty of cardrooms within casinos and DTD has been covered to death. I'm tackling the smaller operations, places that might not be so obvious to people outside those areas. The grey area of legality is irrelevant (we cover pub poker extensively and not one pub poker outfit in the country operates the same as another - it's questionable whether some of their practices are legal). Anyway I'm interested in places that are providing games and are happy to advertise the fact. Whether they're abusing/bending/testing the laws on members' clubs is for another article.

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Re: Best Poker Clubs in the UK? And this is what gets my goat, DTD and The Fox Club are both 100% fully legal and this cost both a huge amount of money. There is nothing wrong in my opinion in asking about "other" operations, as many have great games in fantastic atmospheres. But if I were part of the Fox team I would be a bit peeved about being lumped in with "other poker clubs", they have paid for the right (as have DTD) to gain maximum exposure without having a smoke screen, and I am sure Chris North will get as much coverage as Rob Yong (if not more being in London) in the media. Just feels like it is a bit of a rubdown for the Fox if you are going to include them in the same breath as the other Private Clubs. You know, the ones that aren't paying for a gaming licence and hence not paying the "poker tax".

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Re: Best Poker Clubs in the UK? I think we probably agree generally here. The laws are silly in this country in that someone wanting to run a legal, totally above-board poker club has to pay for a casino licence that allows them to install roulette tables if they so wish (and they don't). The Fox i know has only got room for one or two gaming tables if they even wanted and that's not enough to justify the losses that they could incur. (you need more than a few to cover a hit). Anyway, I think my intention was just to cover 'poker-only' places, whether they're DTD, Fox or Joe's Poker Club, Cleethorpes, above an off licence (ok, maybe not that one). Ok, the Fox does have slots to make up for the costs of the licence, but it's not their sole purpose.

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