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Heniek's APAT WCOAP World Amateur Championship ME stake request SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Arek Sinkiewicz
  • Stake Requested: £100 ($157) 100 shares at $1.57
  • Event/Tournament: APATWCOAP World Amateur Championship ME
  • Offer: 75% paid back = 1 share worth 0.75%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: 28-30 August

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Arkadiusz Sinkiewicz agree to play the above tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Year has gone already :eyes. I'm defending my European Champ title with Polish team, which will take a place 2 days prior to the ME and I'm really looking forward to 4-5 day of poker :D. Just like last year, If I don't cash in ME, but get cash in the Team Event, I will pay stakers money back. Thank you for your support :ok. goater 10% MrMal 10% Gremlin 10% Guppie 30% Eck 40%

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Heniek's APAT WCOAP World Amateur Championship ME stake request SOLD OUT Thanks Rich. And at this point, I was going really well. Blinds started creeping and I was card dead for couple of hours. Went down to about 31k when my downfall started. I called 16k all in with JJ and lost to 77 :puke. I was left with 15k at 1.6k blinds & anties :sad. I went down to 9k :loon at those blinds. Then, UTG reised and I saw A10. I know, I'm behaind, but I can't fold it. I'm exstatic to see his 9's and even more to see A on the flop. At that point we had 38 left with 27 going through on Monday. I lasted for over an hour with around 3 to 6 blinds by stealing with crap and getting away with it. I have 17k and blinds go to 3k and 200 anties :$. Desperate. I still managed to last few rounds by stealing, but no doubling up. We are down to 31 and comes last hand. I'm on BB with 66. There is raise to 10k and reraise to 25k. I have put 3k in blinds and have left 13k. I know, I'm behind 99%, but no one would tell me, they fold here. Great spot for value. I might scrap with 3 blinds to 2nd day, but of course there is no point. If I take that pot, will have around 50k and game on. I'm hoping, raiser will fold and might be against AK of other guy. 1st one folds, but other one shows QQ :\. And after 11 hours of play, I'm out in 31st. Thank you again guys for having faith in me and I'm sorry for dissapointment. I promise, one of those days...

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