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TT - PL Private Game Fri 8th Oct


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Re: TT I was setting a game for Thursday 20:00 UK time, tour id is 299908898, tour name is TT madness For a start I did set it for 1.10 buy in Please post if you want play so I can send pw Rules: All hands including a A,K,Q,J have to be folded. It is not allowed to limp preflop to give the BB the chance to fold should he have A,K,Q,J All winning hands MUST be shown, so take care that you not have automatically muck on

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Re: TT

I have never played TT :loon You'll probably kick my ass, but if I am online that evening I'll play with ya :ok
Don't worry, I only played it once on Full Tilt last Sunday (and won it :$), I just not sure, at the moment we only would be 4 and that is bit less perhaps. Hopefully some more will join, will send you pw later
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Re: TT Must admit I was dying to cheat to see if you could. :$ As it wasn't auto folding the JQKA hands I really wanted to see what would happen...but I didn't. :D Think the game would be amazing with a full table...it also shows you how many times the poorer starting hands can actually hit. :unsure

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Re: TT good that you not cheated, yes with full table is really more fun, perhaps once we will get it full No poker page has it, so there isnt auto folding, that why cards should be shown The upsetting thing was, i played the women poker league same time, and there i got 42,72 where on our table i was getting the there needed AA, KK, qq lol

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Re: TT As Atkinson so much would like to play this, and not has time on Monday, I setted another one, on Friday October 8th, 20:00 british time tour id: 316738374 for those who already have pw, it will be the same I am not sure now, if we play both tourneys or only the one on Friday I not mind doing both, but can understand if people only want to do one

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