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PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday


PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday  

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday sorry but i will not be playing for the rest of this month now,i am on hols end of week and i am not going to deposit any funds on here for now. if there is a league for September then i will probably do so then. so all i have to say now is good luck one and all :ok

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

I think there may be an error' date=' Scooper = RATMAN48 (Not Fonzie)[/quote'] Ah, OK. Sorry, must have missed you posting your username before. ;) Fonzie plays as Ratman on several sites so just assumed it was him. I'll amend when I do table update tomorrow. :ok I thought we'd got Fonzie back. :sad
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday :clap:clap:clap Well Done Runa, was back and forth for a while when i took the chip lead with my ak v 99 and i hit a k turn and river only for a couple of hands later when runa was all in pre with 44 v a 10 for me to hit 2 aces on the board but runa runa (pun) hit his flush on the river :rollin Unlucky to Hen who bubbled and wd to missdaisy for cashing f_3ag9m_a7a8d15.jpg

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Enjoyong this league very much, it may be a low entry fee but the structure is very good and the overall standard of play excellent. Haven't done so yet but I WILL win one of the comps sooner rather than later:hope

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Soz I can't play this month. just got back from holiday and I will not be here on the 29th. I would reg and sit out but someone gave me two wooden spoons for doing that last month :tongue2

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Congratulations to #6 seat winner goater. :clap Table updated. Last legs for each league coming up and your last chance to qualify for this month's final (table will show 3 from 4 next time, promise. ;)) Can I clarify the rule for league winners, as there is a possibility of this being the same person for both the Sunday and Wednesday league (assuming Washy doesn't finally win a leg :lol). I assume this stands, applying the same logic as winning 2 seats?

Rule Change: If you win more than 1 leg out of the 8 legs we will play then we will run less players in the final. However winning a seat via a leg and a league will NOT count as qualifying twice. The league is set up for the purpose of next best player over the 8 games, which means the top is usually dominated by leg winners, making it unfair and pointless.
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

Congratulations to #6 seat winner goater. :clap Table updated. Last legs for each league coming up and your last chance to qualify for this month's final (table will show 3 from 4 next time, promise. ;)) Can I clarify the rule for league winners, as there is a possibility of this being the same person for both the Sunday and Wednesday league (assuming Washy doesn't finally win a leg :lol). I assume this stands, applying the same logic as winning 2 seats?
You can only win multiple seats if you win multiple legs, any seat won via the league will count as 1 and 1 only, with the next player down getting the other seat. Hope that makes sense
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

You can only win multiple seats if you win multiple legs, any seat won via the league will count as 1 and 1 only, with the next player down getting the other seat. Hope that makes sense
I think what Avon was getting at was if I am next best in both leagues without a win, then who gets the other seat? I would assume you'd go with the highest scorer from either Wednseday or Sunday, but I think this needs to be clarified before the last two games.
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday

I think what Avon was getting at was if I am next best in both leagues without a win, then who gets the other seat? I would assume you'd go with the highest scorer from either Wednseday or Sunday, but I think this needs to be clarified before the last two games.
Yes I was wondering about this too Washy, mind you I was hoping you would win last night to make things clearer:unsure I know I am a newbie to this league but if I am allowed an opinion your suggestion that the seat should go to the highest scorer from either league seems the fairest solution. Maybe that way I will have a chance of making it:clap
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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Ill try to clarify as best i can peeps. Players who make up the final table will be as follows: 8 Weekly leg winners and 1 from each league (sun and wed) If a player wins 2 legs, they take 2 seats meaning less in final If a player wins 1 leg and also wins either league, the player next in line in that league will take the seat. This gives a fairer chance to those via the league system.:ok

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Re: PL and G Casino August GUKPT Promo 2 leagues. Sunday and Wednesday Washy would qualify from wednesday league as 1st place but also would qualify from sunday league as the highest position(3rd) not winning a leg. So the problem is which leg does he get the 9th seat from wednesday or sunday mate?

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