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GUKPT leg 8 Blackpool staking 20 shares sold.


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  • Name: Debbie Reid (MissDaisy)
  • Stake Requested: £1000 @ 100 shares of £10
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT leg 8 Blackpool
  • Offer: 80% paid back = 1 share worth 0.8%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: November 11th 2010

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Debbie Reid agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. I understand that I have never had a staking before and this is a lot of money so understand if I dont get staked. I have played a few PL tourny's and done quite well even winning one. I have also quite a lot of experiance playing mTT's online often placing quite high in MTT's with a lot of players. I will pay the £70 registration fee so technically you are getting better than 80% payout. Please dont send any money now just register your interest and we will discuss transfers if and when the stake takes place. Many Thanks Guppie 3 shares paid for £30 Starshine 2 Shares paid £20 Staffy 2 Shares Paid £20 Guppie 5 shares staffy's mum 2 shares kevsul 3 shares Matt 3 shares

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Re: GUKPT leg 8 Blackpool staking 20 shares sold. Hi all. On behalf on MissDaisy. A few people have started paying for this now so anyone who is still interested if you PM me for details of how to pay we can get this sorted. Cheers in advance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: GUKPT leg 8 Blackpool staking 20 shares sold. I am going to cancel this. I was hoping to get the money together and I am not far off how ever we have decided to put it towards the wedding instead. I am going to play the £100 side event insead so I will PM those that have staked me already and will refund if required. Thanks anyways guys.

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