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would anyone be interested in a variant night?


would anyone be interested in a variant night?  

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this would be on a Monday night as this is usually quiet. Every week would be a different variant ie: omaha,razz,hi/lo etc etc. buy in would be say $3.30 and be on Pokerstars. i will set up a poll as that would easier to guage interest :ok

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Re: would anyone be interested in a variant night? In principle I'd be interested (I'd certainly play when available), but Mondays are not great for me, so I could probably only play about once a month. I don't know if that counts as "yes" or "no" for the poll, so I've abstained.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: would anyone be interested in a variant night?

well due to lack of interest this is not going to happen :\
Alan, no harm in posting up details if you decide to play a game some nights. I'm sure some will join you. Doesn't need to be a fixed schedule, just give an hour or so's notice and people can post up if they're playing so you can all keep an eye on each other. At least with sites like Stars you can chat at other tables. :ok
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