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Ivey vs GrandMa and The Deadliest Table of Death - WSOP $1000 NLH


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From Pokernews (photo from Winamax) Found it hilarious :rollin durr.jpg The Deadliest Table of Death Posted 23 hours 38 minutes ago by BenConoley If you've ever wanted a reason not to late register, look no further than Table 109. The table is composed of people who just signed up. It's no exaggeration when we say that it's by far the most stacked starting table we've seen in any $1,000 event. Seat 2:Tommy Vedes Seat 3: Dan Heimiller Seat 5: Tom Dwan Seat 6: Phil Ivey Seat 8: Andy Black Seat 9. Chris Ferguson Squeezed in between Dwan and Ivey is an older woman with grey hair. Not the most comfortable place to be, but we'll see if she can prove doubters wrong. Note: In the first hand we caught at the table, Chris Ferguson busted Dan Heimiller. "It Was Fun While It Lasted" Posted 23 hours 27 minutes ago by SantanaBandana Phil Ivey only lasted one hand at our mega table of death. The aforementioned older woman opened from under the gun and Ivey just grabbed his whole stack and stuck it in the middle. Chris "Jesus" Ferguson flatted and the action folded back to the kind woman who snapped it off. Ivey tabled kh.gifks.gif and Ferguson let out a laugh when he opened kc.gif7h.gif. "You got me Phil," he joked. The older woman got them all though when she triumphantly turned over as.gifac.gif. The rail around the table was four people deep and they all exploded into uncontrollable laughter. The board ran jd.gif9h.gif9c.gif6c.gifqs.gif and Mr. Ivey hit the rail. "Well," Ivey said with a huge grin. "It was fun while it lasted." Ivey's out, Ferguson is down to 2,000 and the sweet old woman has tripled to 9,000.

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