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was i right to fold?


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Re: was i right to fold? Can't see nothing wrong with fold here. Huge raise and it looks like he might have slow played the turn. You dont even have 2nd nut, so you must have a good read on that guy to call in this position. AA, KK, 66 and 4 beat you. Too many.

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Re: was i right to fold?

Hi, why do you opencall here. I think the opencall is the worst play in this hand. Raise pot-size or fold. Remember, you want to be aggressive in PLO. I would probably have played check/call on the river.
i had not long been on the table and still working out who plays how. the previous hands had all been open called and i hear what your saying.:ok
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Re: was i right to fold? I do not like opencalling, not even limping small pocket pairs in early postion for set value in Texas Holdem. Here is why: (i) if there is no raise behind you, the SB gets got odds to call and the BB can check, and playing heads-up post-flop is almost always better than playing in a multiway hand. The double-suited has hand good multiway potential but will they also pay once a flush is out. (ii) What do you do if someone raises behind you to isolate you. It is easier for someone who has position on you to iso-raise you than he has to 3bet you. (iii) Especially in middle and late position you can often buy the button with a raise and have the best position on every street, then. (iv) You are the aggressor. I think that applies to nearly every poker game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: was i right to fold? yea, pretty easy fold. as already mentioned above the fault was preflop but u already knew that, i cant think on what he was thinking was going to call that raise with. i would of put him on a 4, he prob put u on a 6x. trips aint guna call that raise. dunno whats worse his massive raise or u not raising pre

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