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I want to know your opinion about the way I played this hand and was curios if I made the right decision . I was 90% sure that 27brice27 was on a draw and having the Ace of hearts in encouraged me to push all in ... Please express your opinion about the way i played it ... Starting a new hand (#3049271198) Texas Hold'em NL 1500/3000 - 2010-06-05 17:44:33 Server Table $1,500 GP Rebuy, 458997531 Trny: $1+$0.10 ID: 3807504721 Place: N/A Win: N/A Seat 1: ( 0 ) Seat 2: AriGold1988 ( 167,396.81 ) Seat 3: BuluKAKA ( 52,718.80 ) Seat 4: bez12345 ( 88,593 ) Seat 5: oliwou ( 51,653.50 ) Seat 6: chamois39 ( 129,155.44 ) Seat 7: bansko50 ( 209,963.47 ) Seat 8: zed33 ( 26,336.25 ) Seat 9: 27brice27 ( 147,131.12 ) Seat 10: ELALHAMIN ( 79,633.21 ) BuluKAKA posts ante 300 bez12345 posts ante 300 oliwou posts ante 300 chamois39 posts ante 300 bansko50 posts ante 300 zed33 posts ante 300 27brice27 posts ante 300 ELALHAMIN posts ante 300 AriGold1988 posts ante 300 BuluKAKA posts Small Blind 1500 bez12345 posts Big Blind 3000 Dealing cards Your cards Kc Ah [AriGold1988] oliwou folds chamois39 folds bansko50 folds zed33 folds 27brice27 raises 6000 ELALHAMIN folds AriGold1988 calls 6000 BuluKAKA folds bez12345 calls 3000 Dealing Flop 9h Th Ad bez12345 checks 27brice27 bets 11100 AriGold1988 raises 161096.81 bez12345 folds 27brice27 goes All-in 129731.12 Dealing Turn 9h Th Ad 4h Dealing River 9h Th Ad 4h 3c 27brice27 shows 7h Qh Winner is AriGold1988 20265.69 Winner is 27brice27 303862.24

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Re: Opinions expected You have position with a big hand why limp? this also prices the BB in and devalues your hand. Raise preflop and take it down. Post flop its a bad shove with TPTK the aggro you should have shown preflop you show postflop, try doing it the other way round next time :ok

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Re: Opinions expected Agree 100% with WASP. The shove is awful, only two pair or better will call you. And the talk about having the ace of hearts, what is that? You only have a backdoor flush draw and that's too much of a longshot to be of any importance Raise it up nicely preflop

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Re: Opinions expected

You have position with a big hand why limp? this also prices the BB in and devalues your hand. Raise preflop and take it down. Post flop its a bad shove with TPTK the aggro you should have shown preflop you show postflop, try doing it the other way round next time :ok
Pretty much this. You got your money in 52 / 48 fav, but really it wasn't a situation you needed to be in if you'd showed some agression preflop
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Re: Opinions expected Yeah ... i totally agree with the re raise preflop ... but in the last days AK have been giving me a headache and I was pretty sure any raise except shove all in would have been called ... If I have missed the flop I would be in a more difficult position . About the Ah I was reffering to the fact that he had left 8 outs instead of 9 ... not a very significant advantage but given the pot odds I would start as favourite ... I am pretty new to the game so any critics are accepted ... Thanks for your thoughts everyone !!

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Re: Opinions expected

...I was pretty sure any raise except shove all in would have been called
You have no reason to fear a turn, instead try to do what is most right in every new unique situation. I would have tossed in a pot-sized raise for value and info.
... If I have missed the flop I would be in a more difficult position
That doesn't make sense, how can missing the flop be more difficult than hitting a flop with semi-bad texture? If you miss the flop, all you have is ace high. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of that simple fact. It's not exactly a good flop, that would be something like A93 rainbow.
About the Ah I was reffering to the fact that he had left 8 outs instead of 9 ... not a very significant advantage but given the pot odds I would start as favourite
Having the Ace is nice but you need 4 hearts on the board in order to make use of the suit, which given the situation is a real longshot.
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Re: Opinions expected Hmm ... your right about the missed flop thing ... I realise now that was kinda stupid to say ... Thanks again for your comments ... We learn from our own mistakes ... I'm glad I can find here more experienced players that can give me some good advices . GL all !!!:ok

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Re: Opinions expected I assume i'm looking at a different hand to most of you as i could swear the guy called with Q7s and not 2pair+ or in a coin-flip situation therefore to say you 'only ever get called with 2pair+ or coin flip' is clearly wrong. It's a $1 re-buy the play is going to be ridiculously loose whether after the re-buy period or not people will not have adjusted too much anyway. You can raise the flop with the intention of getting it in on all turn cards but as it is you're a clear favourite 65%+ to win a huge pot against their range on the flop. Shoving is fine IMO you're rarely behind and people hate folding. anything. ever.

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Re: Opinions expected

... i could swear the guy called with Q7s and not 2pair+....
Result-oriented reasoning FTW :eyes It goes without saying (or so i thought!) that my comment that he will only be called by 2pair+ is valid a huge majority of the time, of course you will have your random idiot here and there but come on Nade. Or are we supposed to say that there are no reason to think about strategy at all, since there actually can be situations where opponents play crazy? Give me a break Btw, it seems your standard solution to every poker problem is "shove" :eyes
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Re: Opinions expected It's there right in front of our eyes - he called with Q7hh so for people to give opponent a really tight range is wrong - as people DO call a lot wider - as demonstrated in the OP. How can you argue against them calling with a wider range when it's clear people do. Is the the villain in OP some cyborg from outter-space? No he's just another human playing poker - humans do stupid things - take advantage of it and push the edges. This whole discussion is under-mined by the results being posted in the OP, but you'll find i've been probably the most in-depth hand analyser on here in the last 2years so please don't pull me up on strat advice when 90% of people here don't post strat and when they do it lacks substance. Just saying.

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Re: Opinions expected Nade: I'm sorry if i came across a bit harsh yesterday, was in a bit of a bad mood. You are absolutely right that including the results in the OP was bad for the discussion. Also, i didn't notice it was a re-buy - you are correct that people tend to play much looser and not adjust enough when the rebuy period has ended. I have probably only read a small part of all your poker strategy posts, but those i have read pointed in the direction that you advocate a more aggressive approach than i would have. We all have different playing styles - nothing wrong with that. Every playing style can be successful when employed with skills. :ok

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Re: Opinions expected Hi, simply 3bet preflop and shove the flop with TPTK. You need to protect against flush draws, OESD, gut shots etc. That´s the standard line for those low limit games. Be happy if that moron calls you with the FD. That´s great long term. @OP: You should probably quit poker if you do not (re)raise a hand like AK because you haven´t been successful with this hand lately. You don´t konw what value is by now, do you? Good Luck at the tables Kind Regards Michael

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