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brael's back to poker challenge


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right.... haven't been on here in ages and I've now got my life back as my studies are finally complete (barring any re-sits!). The challenge is to build up some cash in my Betfair account playing the $2.75 D2N games so I've got something to use for betting during the World Cup. The account had a whopping £17.61 in it and is now up to £23.06 having hit the cash 7 out of 9 times so far. I'll be trying to play 2 or 3 games a day depending on circumstances (better known as the kids!). Now that I've posted this to PL we can all sit back and watch the whole thing go askew! ;)

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Re: brael's back to poker challenge 2 games today and failed to cash in both... what did I say in first post about the whole thing going askew?! :lol Could've played a few more today but the way it was running I thought it would be best to leave it until tomorrow... after all, tomorrow is another day!

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