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QQ with AK on the flop


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Hi all, I'd like some comments on my play of this hand please (go easy - i'm still a noob!) Table 'Acrab' 10-max Seat #7 is the button Seat 1: stripe19 ($9.95 in chips) Seat 2: meong ($5.10 in chips) Seat 3: cpec59 ($14.25 in chips) Seat 4: Godders1984 ($27.45 in chips) Seat 6: aquat462 ($18.65 in chips) Seat 7: Matinho93 ($15 in chips) Seat 8: bersxx ($17.10 in chips) Seat 9: GPFirefly ($17.85 in chips) Seat 10: SagittariusD ($17.10 in chips) bersxx: posts small blind $0.10 GPFirefly: posts big blind $0.25 deadpapa: sits out *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Godders1984 [Qs Qh] SagittariusD: folds stripe19: folds meong: folds cpec59: folds Godders1984: raises $0.25 to $0.50 aquat462: folds Matinho93: folds bersxx: folds GPFirefly: calls $0.25 *** FLOP *** [4c 9s Kd] GPFirefly: checks Godders1984: bets $0.25 GPFirefly: calls $0.25 *** TURN *** [4c 9s Kd] [Ad] GPFirefly: bets $0.50 Godders1984: calls $0.50 *** RIVER *** [4c 9s Kd Ad] [6s] GPFirefly: bets $0.50 Godders1984: calls $0.50 *** SHOW DOWN *** GPFirefly: shows [4d 3d] (a pair of Fours) Godders1984: shows [Qs Qh] (a pair of Queens) Godders1984 collected $3.45 from pot I don't think I played it well enough - would you have played it differently?

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Re: QQ with AK on the flop Yes it was a limit game. As I was playing, I bet on the flop to find out where I was. The call made me think I could be up against a K, which is why I called his bet on the turn. With hindsight though I can't help but feel I played a little too passively - I'm thinking a re-raise when the A hit would have got me more info than the call I made - as it stands, I felt I had to call down because of his bet on the A after a call on the K and my flat call. I can't help but think that a re-raise would have been a better play.

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Re: QQ with AK on the flop This hand is a good reason why I couldn't play 'Fixed Limit' cash games.....too many hands are played with any Two cards and if you've got a genuine hand like QQ then you can't shake them off if they hit any part of their hand!:wall You state that you're a 'newbie' but are playing 0.10/0.25.....is that the cheapest stakes on that site and what sort of a bank roll have you got behind you. (within the site, not within your Bank:)) Anyway, keep us posted on your progress and good luck!:ok TQM P.S.....The title is a little misleading as only the King appeared on the flop.

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Re: QQ with AK on the flop

This hand is a good reason why I couldn't play 'Fixed Limit' cash games.....too many hands are played with any Two cards and if you've got a genuine hand like QQ then you can't shake them off if they hit any part of their hand!:wall You state that you're a 'newbie' but are playing 0.10/0.25.....is that the cheapest stakes on that site and what sort of a bank roll have you got behind you. (within the site, not within your Bank:)) Anyway, keep us posted on your progress and good luck!:ok TQM P.S.....The title is a little misleading as only the King appeared on the flop.
soz wrong thread
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  • 4 months later...

Re: QQ with AK on the flop I don't see any other way of playing that hand. Since it was a FL game and he just called your raise, his range was rather wide. That preflop call could have been made with suited connectors, a medium pocket pair, a medium-to-high pocket pair or even a small pair (or just rags). So, on the flop, you could have been up against anything: nines, fours (you case), Kings, pocket Jacks, pocket tens, even fours and nines. He called, which could indicate these things: - he has nothing, but thinks you have a King and he's waiting for a higher card, a paired board or a draw; - he flopped Kings and doesn't want to raise because of a weak kicker; - he has a low or medium pair; - he has a set and he's trying to trap you; - it was a cold call (not safe to assume). Then, he made a bet on the turn. Possibilities: - he has an Ace; - he thinks you have Kings and is trying to scare you; - he has Kings and he's testing you. A set seems less likely now, because he became the aggressor and it doesn't really make sense to be passive on a 0.25$ bet and aggressive when the bet increases (unless it's a trick play). Bet on the river, but the river was a 6. Unless you consider pocket sixes, that card couldn't have helped him improve. But why would anyone call preflop with any pocket pair, call on a flop with 2 overcards that were within your range, then start betting with 3 overcards and no draws? Right now, the King seems out of the question (why bet on the river, after you called that bet on the turn and the Ace is definitely within your range?). It looks a lot like a bluff. However, it's a FL game, so you can expect people to make weird plays. Also, you can expect them to play like total fools (for example, call a raise with 3-4, then call and bet with bottom pair and the second lowest kicker), so, after all, your opponent could have a better hand. All things considered, at this point it's about guts and reads. You can raise or just call. If you raise, you'll probably find yourself re-raised (the guy seems determined to kick you out of the hand) and that would really make things complicated. I think calling was your best option. Cheers!

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