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Was I right to push here?


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Hi all, My final hand from a freeroll tournament. Was this the right play with the right holding here? Table #28243936 - Tournament #17133434 Table #105 Starting Hand #1331192462 Start time of hand: 26 May 2010 22:47:33 Last Hand #1331191142 Game Type: HOLD'EM Limit Type: NO LIMIT Table Type: TOURNAMENT Money Type: TOURNAMENT CHIPS Blinds are now $200/$400 Button is at seat 2 Seat 1: xJupiler17x - $2,225 Seat 2: LEMILANAIS0406 - $5,530 Seat 3: glamourrr - $16,340 Seat 4: davlebarbare - $1,020 Seat 5: tamsh76 - $6,170 Seat 6: civili - $5 Seat 7: Skwarks - $13,530 Seat 8: balldman - $3,780 Seat 9: Godders1984 - $5,085 Seat 10: limper84 - $6,065 davlebarbare will be dealt in after the button Moving Button to seat 4 xJupiler17x posts ante of $50 LEMILANAIS0406 posts ante of $50 glamourrr posts ante of $50 tamsh76 posts ante of $50 civili posts ante of $5 (all-in) Skwarks posts ante of $50 balldman posts ante of $50 Godders1984 posts ante of $50 limper84 posts ante of $50 tamsh76 posts small blind ($200) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Ac 5d] to Godders1984 Skwarks folds balldman folds Godders1984 raises to $5,035 (all-in) limper84 folds xJupiler17x folds LEMILANAIS0406 raises to $5,480 (all-in) glamourrr folds tamsh76 folds Returning $445 to LEMILANAIS0406 uncalled LEMILANAIS0406 shows [Ks As] civili shows [3h Ad] Godders1984 shows [Ac 5d] Dealing Flop [9d Ah 3d] Dealing Turn [8c] Dealing River [7h] LEMILANAIS0406 has One Pair: Aces LEMILANAIS0406 wins $10,630 from side pot #1 with: One Pair: Aces civili has Two Pairs: Aces, 3s civili wins $45 with: Two Pairs: Aces, 3s Seat 1: xJupiler17x - $2,175 Seat 2: LEMILANAIS0406 - $11,075 Seat 3: glamourrr - $16,290 Seat 4: davlebarbare - $1,020 Seat 5: tamsh76 - $5,920 Seat 6: civili - $45 Seat 7: Skwarks - $13,480 Seat 8: balldman - $3,730 Seat 9: Godders1984 - $0 Seat 10: limper84 - $6,015 limper84 will see you. End Of Hand #1331192462 Thoughts/comments appreciated!

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Re: Was I right to push here? Sorry Hen but i disagree strongly here. On the contrary, he MUST push here. The blinds and antes makes a total of 1100, so it will cost him 1100 every orbit. He has 5k, giving him an M of 4.6, which makes him desperate to make a move. He need to double up or just pick up the blinds. The pot have not been opened, so a push here is mandatory. The fact that the big blind doesn't "exist" in this particular hand is only of minor importance, and not enough to make me fold. The overall picture is that he is in a very difficult situation. YES, anyone that calls him will probably have him crushed, but that's a shortsighted argument. In just three hand the blinds will take another 600 from his already very short stack. If he folds here, hoping to catch a better hand, he will soon be out of the tournament anyway. I have pushed with a lot worse hands in similar situations. First-in vigorish is crucial.

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Re: Was I right to push here? IMO Hens about right, only $605 in Pot, and you have 6 people to get through (I think I've counted them correctly) - You're not in desperation territory here as you have around 12 BB's- and theres at least 4 people on your table alone that are in worse state than you. I think if you're on the button (or +1) and you have less than 10 BB then its OK, but the position your in and your current stack size you've time to wait for a better opportunity.

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Re: Was I right to push here? The antes make the entire difference here. Without them, with only 200/400 blinds, i would wait. But with 50 ante, your stack is diminishing at a fast rate. Just counting the amount of BB's gives you a false sense of security, and that you have more time than you really have.

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Re: Was I right to push here? Shoving here isn't the worst move in the world (imho) but the problems arise when you get called.....a high percentage of the time it's another Ace that calls invariably with a higher kicker which means you need a lot of luck to survive!:hope When reaching the all in or fold stage I'd rather shove with any 2 cards that are lower than 10 as you normally end up with 2 live cards if someone calls!:ok You do tend to take a lot of abuse in the chat box if you hit but that just means that they don't have the knowledge to appreciate the move....there is also a mute button if it gets too much!:lol Good luck!:ok TQM

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