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Preparing for a $2100 WSOP satellite


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I have a Step 6 "Steps" ticket on Pokerstars (face value $2100), and I'm probably going to use it for a WSOP main event satellite (structure: 9-player STT, winner gets package +$1000 cash, 2nd and 3rd get $2000 cash). Any suggestions on how to prepare for this? I've been watching a few of them to see how they play. I'll also be trying to avoid particularly tough tables, but I'm not quite sure what the best way is. I've been looking players up on OPR, which gives some idea of how good they are, but isn't really specific to STTs. Is there something better (most players' records on Stars are blocked on Sharkscope these days)? Any advice will be much appreciated.

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Re: Preparing for a $2100 WSOP satellite Slapdash...one bit of advice, get in and play...YOUR NORMAL GAME! IF you are good enough to earn a step 6 ticket you are good enough to play whoever you are up against. Paralysis by analysis and all that......and good luck, dont make any stupid mistakes early on!

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Re: Preparing for a $2100 WSOP satellite

I'll also be trying to avoid particularly tough tables
Forget it. It's not worth it. For us mortals, playing in something that big, doesn't come often. It doesn't matter which one you choose, you are among lions. From my experience. I played 2 of those step 6 for WSOP. When I decided to play my 1st one, I opened the table and there were 6 registered. I open OPR, checked 1st one, he has +$150k in the last 3 months. Checked 2nd one, he has +$450k. That was enough for me. There was no point getting stressed out. I just sat down and played like I had played so far. You have to believe, that you are not any worse, than any of them at the table. I played with you a lot and I know you can easily mixed up with those guys :ok. There will be few, that will play very aggressive form them start. Watch out for them and re raise them occasionally, especially when they are after you blinds time and time again. In the 2nd one, I played with a living legend of Step 6 steve444. He wins around 40-60 packages a year and cashes them all. He had his strategy worked to perfection. Played tight till the money then just pushing every other hand :lol. Worked well, he won that one. You have a bit of a tougher task if you want to cash at least. I noticed, only 3 places paid. When I played mines, we had 6 paid with 6th getting $500. For the record, I finished 4th and 5th for $1k each, which wasn't bad from a initial $30 dollars investment. I found both of mine here: (in the 2nd one, when I was a big chip leader, I lost with AA v KK, which I think was on the 2nd picture) Anyone playing Step on PS? Remember, just play as any other SnG. Best of luck J :hope
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Re: Preparing for a $2100 WSOP satellite Thanks for all the input.

You could try http://www.pokerprolabs.com/ they also have a searchable database' date= Good advice. But I wasn't really asking for advice about how to play once I'm in. I'm not going to get significantly better at STTs between now and then. I think I'm reasonably good at ignoring the stakes and just playing my game. I was more thinking I wanted to be prepared and give myself as good a chance as possible. I don't want to realize afterwards that I could have given myself a better chance of qualifying. I'm not sure I agree entirely. I know I'm not going to be able to avoid the lions entirely, but there are some sheep playing these (apart from me!), so it makes sense to pick a table that has a least a few other sheep.
Thanks. That looks useful.
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Re: Preparing for a $2100 WSOP satellite There is Tournament Shark which in theory could give you SNG stats of your opponents. But I agree that it should not make much different at this level as you are going to face only highly competent players. Good luck Slap

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