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Did I fold too early?


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Hi all, Here is a hand that I played earlier today in a micro stakes SnG: Table #27063933 - STT #16441486 Starting Hand #1277938101 Start time of hand: 18 Apr 2010 12:54:29 Last Hand #1277936726 Game Type: HOLD'EM Limit Type: NO LIMIT Table Type: TOURNAMENT Money Type: TOURNAMENT CHIPS Blinds are now $100/$200 Button is at seat 1 Seat 1: Godders1984 - $4,135 Seat 2: Hebikane - $820 Seat 6: KoliaP - $4,650 Seat 7: patandy111 - $1,940 Seat 8: JTK69 - $3,455 Moving Button to seat 2 KoliaP posts small blind ($100) patandy111 posts big blind ($200) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Ad Qc] to Godders1984 JTK69 calls $200 Godders1984 raises to $800 Hebikane folds KoliaP calls $800 patandy111 folds JTK69 calls $800 Dealing Flop [Kh As Qd] KoliaP bets $600 JTK69 calls $600 Godders1984 raises to $1,200 KoliaP calls $1,200 JTK69 raises to $2,655 (all-in) Godders1984 has requested more time Godders1984 folds KoliaP calls $2,655 KoliaP shows [Kd 8h] JTK69 shows [Qs Kc] Dealing Turn [4c] Dealing River [3d] JTK69 has Two Pairs: Kings, Queens JTK69 wins $9,110 with: Two Pairs: Kings, Queens My question is: Did I fold too hastily with my 2 pair? My thinking at the time was that given the betting to that point (my raise pre-flop called by 2 limpers, then a raise, re-raise and all in re-raise after the flop) meant that I was wary about one the of the other players holding AK. If I held AK at this stage pre-flop, I would have raised, but I know a lot of players tend to limp in with premium pairs or AK at this level. To be honest, I was pretty suprised that these players turned over KQ and K8 given the aggressive the betting to that point - I would have expected at least one of them to hold another A. Any thoughts on my play would be greatly appreciated - it hurt to fold 2 pair, but I feel I made the right play!

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Re: Did I fold too early? I would never fold here. Your raise pre represents strong hand after one limp and you get two callers. You can eliminate AA, KK QQ, as they would pushed pre. Only hand to worry here is AK. If one of em got it's that just bad luck. You just can't fold in that spot, especially after putting nearly half of your stack in.

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Re: Did I fold too early? I take it you min-raised the flop for info but if you intended to fold to more pressure then you might as well just call the flop bet and see what develops. Pre flop they might limp AK but they'll way more limp raise your bet so AK is just so unlikely the hand i'd expect to see a lot is JT but we have good equity vs that anyway i'm always shipping the flop. As a general point it kind of looks like you were looking for an opportunity to fold the hand even though you can't expect to flop much better than 2pair so if you bloat the pot here it should be with the intention of getting all your chips in as they'll never fold anything to such a small raise - as shown by the hands they went all in with.

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Re: Did I fold too early? When I saw the flop in yr HH I told myself I'm never folding this. As the rest said you've put in too much of your stack to make raise/folding a viable option. You won't see AK most of the time due to the preflop action so you're only losing to JT here.

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Re: Did I fold too early? Agree it was a bad fold, Your aggressive raise on flop was fine, you could maybe of raised it a little larger to 1600 or 1800, what follows with a caller & an allin looks scary but you now have odds of 5/1 to make the call. Even if you are up against J,10 you still have outs. I think your preflop play was right, Kallop playing with K8 is obv a muppet calling off his stack & his calls are weak, obv the only worry is the allin of JTK but after putting in 2k you now have to be prepared to put the 1.4k with the knowledge there's a good chance your ahead. No-one here has AK as pre-flop you would more than likely been re-raised.

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