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Already in the money.. someone play for me


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Guys im already in the money Stars tourney 257497193, im currently at school and its like 942pm and im guessing the security guards gonna ask me to leave soon. $4 MTT, 1511 Entries, 171 cashes . Already in the money!@! ill give the whoever 30% profit whos online now? guaranteed $12 in winnings right now Currently 48/93

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Re: Already in the money.. someone play for me Security guard? Wow, you must be a fanatic student to stay at school in the middle of the night :loon Don't you have a PC in your own room? I'd wait till the break and run home. I've never played poker on a public PC. I'd never feel save, someone might have a keylogger installed there and clear my pokerbankroll the next morning :$

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