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PokerStars Game #42054569769: Tournament #258773250, $0.25+$0.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (200/400) - 2010/04/02 1:33:48 WET [2010/04/01 20:33:48 ET] Table '258773250 2' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: yokapodelpok (6890 in chips) Seat 2: chasity77756 (4575 in chips) Seat 3: Janie737 (9295 in chips) Seat 4: NNNNNNICE (7315 in chips) Seat 5: atkinsonj (5435 in chips) Seat 6: April372 (13725 in chips) Seat 7: DeckhouseRay (5820 in chips) Seat 8: RADDAR007 (8190 in chips) Seat 9: godimmagod (6255 in chips) yokapodelpok: posts the ante 25 chasity77756: posts the ante 25 Janie737: posts the ante 25 NNNNNNICE: posts the ante 25 atkinsonj: posts the ante 25 April372: posts the ante 25 DeckhouseRay: posts the ante 25 RADDAR007: posts the ante 25 godimmagod: posts the ante 25 DeckhouseRay: posts small blind 200 RADDAR007: posts big blind 400 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to atkinsonj :Ah: :Jd: godimmagod: folds yokapodelpok: folds chasity77756: calls 400 Janie737: folds NNNNNNICE: folds atkinsonj: raises 800 to 1200 Should i have pushed all-in April372: folds DeckhouseRay: folds RADDAR007: folds chasity77756: calls 800 *** FLOP *** :8h: :Jh: :4h: chasity77756: checks atkinsonj: bets 800 chasity77756: calls 800 *** TURN *** :8h: :Jh: :4h: :3c: chasity77756: bets 1200 atkinsonj: raises 2210 to 3410 and is all-in chasity77756: calls 1350 and is all-in Uncalled bet (860) returned to atkinsonj *** RIVER *** :8h: :Jh: :4h: :3c: :Tc: *** SHOW DOWN *** chasity77756: shows :Ac: :As: (a pair of Aces) atkinsonj: shows :Ah: :Jd: (a pair of Jacks) chasity77756 collected 9925 from pot Did i do anything wrong or was it just a bad beat??? Think i should of done was push pre flop but the out come would of been the same. :sad

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Re: What went wrong I'm with Anita - just because you lose a hand, doesn't mean you did anything wrong (and if you win a hand, it doesn't necessarily mean you did something right) - that's why you cannot be results oriented (for individual hands) in poker. The strength of your hand is in having the nut flush draw - which gives you a lot of outs against someone who is ahead of you. In this case you didnt hit your draw, so couldnt suck out on the guy who was ahead of you! So far as being a bad beat - you were never ahead in the hand :lol :lol :lol Cant possibly be a bad beat if you weren't ahead in the hand (I would argue it cant be a bad beat if you're never 99% or so in the hand - but I know many on here dont agree and think that if they're 50.1% and lose, then it's a bad beat :tongue2) The odds were: Pre flop 8% v 92% Flop 43% v 57% Turn 25% v 75% River 0% v 100% With regards to pushing all in pre flop - that wouldnt have changed anything - he's not folding his Aces :tongue2

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Re: What went wrong I disagree, you could have played this differently (better). You don't mention anything about how the other players have behaved earlier so the hand has to be evaluated in a vacuum. The blinds are 200/400 with an ante of 25, which means there is 825 in the pot preflop. You have 5435 and there are 9 players, which means you have an effective M of only 5.9 ((5435 / (200+400+25*9) * 0.9) = 5.9 This means that you are really shortstacked. The others are as well, but that is of less importance. You must play really aggressive or you'll be out in 6 orbits. There is only one caller (which you cover slightly) and 2 of the 3 remaining players have decent stack sizes. With one caller there is 1225 in the pot and you would be more than happy to just pick up that pot uncontested. Picking up the pot would increase your stack with 23% which is not bad. Move all-in preflop gives you maximum chance of picking up the pot here. The fact that the initial limper had AA is irrelevant, it is unknown when you make your decision. You make all others fold here enough of the time to make this a +EV move. Given the pre-flop action as it played out, you should/must move in on that flop. The combined Flush draw + TPTK + Fold equity screams +EV for me.

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Re: What went wrong Nobody was making any moves it was the final table and no-one want to move and chips, so i thought with this hand i would raise with one caller thought might have high pair AK,Q,J,10. So when the flop came i thought that i was ahead with the nut flush draw and top pair so i pushed then he showed AA gutted. Looking back over if i called the bet pre flop then i might of shoved on the flop anyway. :ok

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