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What happens to the extra money?


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I'm writing a little poker program to read the XML hand histories on Boss and whilst doing some testing on the lowest stakes tables I noticed this hand: BossMedia Game #2110012167: Table TH Micro 10 - $0.02/$0.04 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:23:51 - 2010/04/02 Seat 2: Sarnek2 ($2.12) Seat 3: VANKO_1 ($9.07) Seat 4: spannerPL ($6.98) Sarnek2 posts the big blind of $0.04 spannerPL posts the small blind of $0.02 VANKO_1 is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to spannerPL [5s 4d] VANKO_1 calls $0.04 spannerPL calls $0.04 Sarnek2 checks *** FLOP *** [Kh 4h 3c] spannerPL checks Sarnek2 bets $0.04 VANKO_1 folds spannerPL calls $0.04 *** TURN *** [Kh 4h 3c] [Qh] spannerPL checks Sarnek2 bets $0.04 spannerPL calls $0.04 *** RIVER *** [Kh 4h 3c Qh] [Kc] spannerPL checks Sarnek2 bets $0.04 spannerPL calls $0.04 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $0.33 | Rake $0.03 Board: [Kh 4h 3c Qh Kc] Sarnek2 won ($0.16), showed [4s Th] VANKO_1 won ($0.00), mucks spannerPL won ($0.16), showed [5s 4d] As you can see it's a split pot. The Pot size is $0.36 and after the $0.03 rake is taken £0.33 is left to split between 2 players. Obviously you can't split $0.01 but where does it go? Shouldn't it go to the aggressor? Sarnek2 bets the river and I only call so shouldn't he get it. I'm sure that's what happens in tourneys. It's wrong that the site keep the extra and don't even credit it as rake. I know this is isn't a huge amount but if it happens regularly across many tables during a day the sites are going to be making a fair few $'s extra. Am I missing something obvious? Are they saving it to buy me a Xmas pressie?

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Re: What happens to the extra money? Mostly in real poker it goes to the player nearest to the left of the dealer. Which this extract from Virgins T&C's seems to uphold - albeit with a Caveat for High-Low games

If two or more players tie by holding equally-strong winning five-card hands, the pot will be split between the tying players. If there is an odd chip, that chip will be broken down to the smallest value chips in the game. If the amount to be split is still uneven, the player who was in earliest position gets the odd chip in flop games. In high-low games, the high hand gets the odd chip.
So in effect in the above hand you should have had the extra 1p - you really ought to flag this up to Virgin if you did'nt - I know the hand history says you didn't but that isn't necessarily an accurate reflection of the occurence on the table - this is probably one of the reasons that you get a few errors on Boss imports within Poker Tracker - think you get a few that say Invalid Pot Amount
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