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The Devilfish to have a movie made about him!!!!


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Re: The Devilfish to have a movie made about him!!!! I don't think Danny Dyer can pull of any accent other than 'mockney' for one thing. Somehow I think he'd be wise to try and cut out a lot of the poker tournament stuff out ('Deal', 'The Grand' and 'Lucky You' have shown that even 'proper' film-makers can't make tournament poker on film work and that 'The Cincinnati Kid' and 'Rounders' as good as they are complete flukes) but the danger, grime and hustle of gambling in backrooms might work. He's had a heck of a marital life so there's a lot of material if the film-makers go that way. I think it'd be a curio like Cass or Telstar. I don't think there's any possibility of the film making too much money or being that good.

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