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Racing UK - Ruby Walsh 'Letter'

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Has anyone recieved a letter through the post from Ruby Walsh? 'Last year at the Cheltenham festival I was lucky enough to rack up seven winners and I hope to be as succesful this year. Racing UK Certainly think so, as if you subscrive for a year and I win the Queen Mother Champion Chase, the world hurdle and the cgold cup then they will fully refund your annual subscription fee! If you don't believe me call 0845 111 9000 or visit racinguk.com/ruby Let's hope we clean up! Ruby Walsh' There is a massive tea cup stain over the letter. This actually looks like a pretty fair deal, Master Minded, Big Buck's & Kauto Star, the three bankers if you like.

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Re: Racing UK - Ruby Walsh 'Letter' Got mine today complete with Bovril stain...........:tongue2 I'm guessing this deal only applies to people who subscribe between today and tuesday and not to the 30,000 people who have already subscribed !......:\

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Re: Racing UK - Ruby Walsh 'Letter' got mines too. First thought was that Kalahari King must be a stick on for the QM, or they know that Ruby must be going to phone in sick on Friday and Nick Schofield wins his first GC:\ In all likelihood to pay for it, they've either got a commercial sponsorship lined up based on their viewing figures, they're struggling for for viewers badly to attract/justify advertising and see this promotion as a way of achieving a target, or as said previously, they've offset the liability.

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