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Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket


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I played in the Bluff Mag Cardgang recently in order to do so i had to deposit as it was the first time i logged into the new sofware i was offered a loaad of tickets to deposit cant remember what exactly - i deposited just before the tourney started I played the tourney and came 3rd and was awarded an Irish Open ticket worth 188 euros, i checked my account the following day and found two tickets, i used one in a tourney and lost went back a couple of days later to use the second and found it has been removed from my account - no apology no email no nothing -i posted about this in thetourney thread this in the i have spent the last week exchanging emails with support to find out what happened to my second ticket. Only to find they are a complete shambles, cannot answer a straight question and generally have no idea on the transactions around my account first i got this Dear Mike, Thank you for choosing CelebPoker. This is Maijie from the Support Team. We cancelled your second token because it was only credited by accident. Note that the promotion was only about one token. Thank you. Another email exchange resulted in this Thank you for choosing CelebPoker. This is Maijie from the Support Team. We are glad to have you in our poker room and we are happy to see that you started already your real money experience. Your concern was raised to out Management and after proper check we found out that you have received the full first deposit offer to which you were entitled which is as follows: - 100% up to $600 on your first deposit of 25 EUR and - 2 tokens for $2,500 New Depositors freeroll. Actually, you got some extra treats: - $2,000 Weekend token - ECPT Barcelona token - $1,000,000 Guaranteed token In addition, you got a free entry to the Irish Open worth $268. We hope you understand that being entitled on one token you are supposed to get only one. The second Irish Open token was issued by mistake and by canceling it we corrected this. The said error did not affect in any way your account or the tokens and bonuses you had right to get. This then led me to believe i had been awared i token as part of the deposit bonuses, it was confirmed by them when i asked again Hi Mike, This is Jon from the Celeb Poker Support Team. We would like to clarify that your first deposit offer was only 100% up to $600 on your first deposit of 25 EUR and 2 tokens for $2,500 New Depositors freeroll. Some extra tokens were credited to you ($2,000 Weekend token, ECPT Barcelona token and $1,000,000 Guaranteed token). In addition to these, you were also credited with the Irish Open token which is worth $268. We would like to clarify that you are only entitled to one (1) Irish Open token. The other one was issued by mistake, therefore, was removed from your account. Followed by this Note that the Irish Open 2010 Super Sat token worth $268 is just an extra treat because the full first deposit offer to which you were entitled are just the following: - 100% up to $600 on your first deposit of 25 EUR and - 2 tokens for $2,500 New Depositors freeroll. ok so by now im slowly getting the picture they will not answer a straight question, but now i believe i had one ticket as a result of thier kind generosity (sic). i now try to point out that as they gave me a ticket and i won a ticket in the Bluffcard gang i should have two tickets - when i point this out to to them, this is the response Dear Mike, Thank you for contacting Celeb Poker. This is Patrick from the Support Team. Please be informed that your account is only eligible for one Irish Open token. Note that you have won a prize amounting to €22.97 ($31.20) and not an Irish Open token after finishing as 3rd place in BluffEurope Irish Open (387357551) on 2010-02-25. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. This now just sort of confirms they havent got a feckin clue but stenghtens my case that i should have two tickets and they shouldnt have removed one from my account now geting pissed off with their inability to organise a piss up in a brewery i fired off a snotty email back along with screen shots from the tourney showing the tickets awared for top 10 Hi Please be informed that you are completely wrong as usual you need to look at this link it explains the top ten get an Irish Open tickets http://www.bluffeurope.com/cardgang/ THATS WHY I HAD TWO TICKETS I WON ONE and you gave me One thats two tickets On whose authority was the ticket removed from my account as far as im concerned you have stolen 188 euros from me i feel that support has failed to provide a solution to this i would like to take this up further with your management Please send me dtails of how to contact management Please refer this to your manager and apologise from the very poor service and support Celeb poker have given AND REPLACE MY TICKET IMMEADIATELY Please check the link below i have copied out the test all i got back from them was this Dear Mike, This is Tony from Celeb Poker Support Team. We regret to inform you that, as of the moment, the token will not be re-issued based upon the decision of the relevant department. Thank you With any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Celeb Poker Support Team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So i am still left with, no explanation, no apology, nothing This would appear to be thier final decision on this, im more pissed off with the fact that the customer support is so useless So time to give up and move on ? sorry abount the longest post in PL history Just helps to have somewhere else to tell Whinge Over

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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket Hi Mike I am in charge of the VIP department at CelebPoker, and have just been notified about this thread. I apologise to you about this very long set of emails and miscommunication regarding the removed token.

The tournament in: http://www.bluffeurope.com/cardgang/

Was a buy-in, with a standard pay out of money. Furthermore the top 10 received *on top* of the normal pay out *one* token for the Irish Open qualifier. These tokens are issued manually and due to an admin mistake a few of the players (yourself included) received two tokens. As soon as we found out, these second tokens were removed. I apolgise for not informing you and explaining of its removal at the time.

I hope this explains why you didn’t have two Irish Open tokens to play with. As per your other thread, you yourself express your surprise at receiving a second one: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/bluff-mag-cardgang-5-50-buy-irish-open-25-02-8pm-97203/ I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope this reply clarifies the matter for you and the other readers here. Best regards Ingram

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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket Mike wasn't saying he should have 2 tokens from the CardGang tourney. Your customer service team have told him several times they have credited his account with a token as a gesture for making a deposit. This is in ADDITION to the token he won in the Tourney.

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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket Why do poker sites never see things that are straight forward. First they give him free entry to the Irish Open worth $268 Thank you for choosing CelebPoker. This is Maijie from the Support Team. We are glad to have you in our poker room and we are happy to see that you started already your real money experience. Your concern was raised to out Management and after proper check we found out that you have received the full first deposit offer to which you were entitled which is as follows: - 100% up to $600 on your first deposit of 25 EUR and - 2 tokens for $2,500 New Depositors freeroll. Actually, you got some extra treats: - $2,000 Weekend token - ECPT Barcelona token - $1,000,000 Guaranteed token In addition, you got a free entry to the Irish Open worth $268. Then he wins one with Cardgang. That to me says he should have 2 in his account.

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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket

After all this i don't think i will be going onto this poker site.. Keep up the fight for your ticket or the value of it. :ok
I don't think there is a need to boycott the site. It's clearly just a misunderstanding as to how there was a second ticket issued, and confusion ensued. The Customer Service agents that PnB has had dialogue with didn't seem to be very knowledgable, but Ingram's in charge of the VIP department, and I am sure she will realise the mistake and get it sorted. I'd say give her a chance before jumping to any 'let's boycott CelebPoker' decisions :ok
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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket Like yourself pistonbroke,i downloaded and deposited £25 on CelebPoker to play this cardgang game.{and was lucky enough to finish in top 10[7th i think]}. I got 2 tickets for the $2,000 new depositers freeroll--for my deposit--which i thought was fair[as you normally only get 1 on most other sites]. Good on you wangling the extra tickets"weekend","barca",and the "guaranteed",all these mentioned games are invite games with no moneytary entry. As i said earlier i came 7th in cardgang so knew i had won 1 ticket to the I/Open sat.,but after seeing your thread on "the tourney"the following day--i opened up celebpoker and checked my account[2 tickets]. I knew their was a mistake somewhere,and later the 2nd ticket was withdrawn and "CelebPoker's" remarks--justify what i beleived to have happened. {Was a buy-in, with a standard pay out of money. Furthermore the top 10 received *on top* of the normal pay out *one* token for the Irish Open qualifier. These tokens are issued manually and due to an admin mistake a few of the players (yourself included) received two tokens. As soon as we found out, these second tokens were removed. I apolgise for not informing you and explaining of its removal at the time.} ---------- Mistakes do happen

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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket

I'd say give her a chance before jumping to any 'let's boycott CelebPoker' decisions :ok
Ok, will wiat and see if and when it gets sorted befor I don't bother with them. I don't think a boycott over one ticket is needed they could of sorted it out by now. :ok
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Re: Celeb Poker Stole my Irish Open Ticket I wrote the first post in frustration at Celebs poker absolute incompetence to explain the situation and offer an apology. If your statement had been made in response to my first contact with customer support then it would have been taken as a genuine mistake as the matter would have been closed. However your customer support could offer no resolution and continually dug holes for themselves,they actually made the situation far worse, as they made it look like i was supposed to have two tickets. I requested several times for contact details to take this beyond normal customer support but this was never given, It wasnt until i posted here that i had a complete explanation posted into this thread, by you. I am still trying to make up my mind weather that was out of true customer suppport or a damage limitation exercise. Doesnt look good for the ordinary guy with a gripe getting answers from your support without having to make them public So :welcome to PL Stick around you only need a few more posts and you can play in our virgin league or you could start one of your own with the $268 you owe me:hope:rollin

Hi Mike I am in charge of the VIP department at CelebPoker, and have just been notified about this thread. I apologise to you about this very long set of emails and miscommunication regarding the removed token.

The tournament in: http://www.bluffeurope.com/cardgang/

Was a buy-in, with a standard pay out of money. Furthermore the top 10 received *on top* of the normal pay out *one* token for the Irish Open qualifier. These tokens are issued manually and due to an admin mistake a few of the players (yourself included) received two tokens. As soon as we found out, these second tokens were removed. I apolgise for not informing you and explaining of its removal at the time.

I hope this explains why you didn’t have two Irish Open tokens to play with. As per your other thread, you yourself express your surprise at receiving a second one: http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f17/bluff-mag-cardgang-5-50-buy-irish-open-25-02-8pm-97203/ I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope this reply clarifies the matter for you and the other readers here. Best regards Ingram
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