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atkinsonj pokerstars challenge


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After my big win in a freeroll last night i am setting a challenge. A bit of background, when i joined pokerstars they give me $2 to get me started, i have not put any money in yet and by playing the freerolls and playing some cash games my balance is $13.15 I want to see how much i can make i will post winnings and losses. Any ideas on what to play can help. :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge

played a $1.10 double or nothing i was in 1st place after ko 6th place out and prob would of went on and won it if it didn't pay out from 5th so i got $2.00
The thing to remember with these is that you don't need to 'win' them, only outlast half the field. No need for heroics. Folding Aces is :ok when chip leader shoves and you're sitting comfy in 2nd. There's a thread somewhere (not sure if it was in Strategy or Chat) which should give you some pointers if you like a good read.
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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Played a $1.15 double or nothing and won $2, thought that i would play tight see what cards i could pick up but after about 10 hands everyone was playing tight so i started bullying and it worked, i know that i won't be that easy all the time but again had 6k+ at the end. Balance $15.11 :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge OK sat at 3 cash game with $1.50 each, table 1 -$1.50, table 2 -$0.27, table 3 $1.08 in total -$0.69. Then played $1.10 double or nothing witch i cashed in for $2. Played the freeroll but with all the games going on made some stupid calls and out will play the second one. So for all of that i was up $0.21 Balance $7.64 :ok Out for the torney my A10 all per flop got busted when they hit 7 on flop

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Didn't play online last night i had some mates round and play poker with them £10 bye-in and won £45 took a big hit at the start was do to 2.5k from 10k when my Aclubs flush got busted by a straight flush K-9 :( Battle back i got AK 6 times but never got any chips from half of them, doubled up when i slow play a straight from the flop the other lad hit trips on the turn. Overall a good nights poker going to a torney tonight for a mates sons footie to raise some money for there funds. :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Played last night never got a decent hand all night until i went out 15th out of 24 my 2 pair got busted but by a full house, didn't like the fact you can re-buy any time. One lad had bilt his stackup to 15k then bought another 3k for £10 why another lad had been ko'ed 4 time then after the brake had 22k :loon don't know how he got them or even if he bought them. Never mind he didn't win. :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Well this didn't last long i sat in a $1.15 double or nothing and lost, so with the rest($1.09) might grind it on the $0.01 or $0.10 tornys or just take it into a cash game? If i had another $0.01 then i would of played a double or nothing, won't decided until tonight what to do so have all day to ponder it over. :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Sat at a cash table for 20 mins and won $0.49 also played the £250 2nd chance freeroll because i missed the first and cashed $0.08 Balance $1.66 actual balance is $1.69 don't know where the $0.03 came from :ok

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Well the freeroll's on stars have finished played them both and this is the fist hand of the £2000 giveaway PokerStars Game #40818402941: Tournament #246421511, Freeroll Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2010/03/07 21:30:00 WET [2010/03/07 16:30:00 ET] Table '246421511 594' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: atkinsonj (1500 in chips) Seat 2: JayStaxit (1500 in chips) Seat 3: campbell2288 (1500 in chips) Seat 4: Elijah6666 (1500 in chips) Seat 5: 69cbr1000f (1500 in chips) Seat 6: zlizard (1500 in chips) Seat 7: Shanny80 (1500 in chips) Seat 8: glennthe ma (1500 in chips) Seat 9: scritchie (1500 in chips) JayStaxit: posts small blind 10 campbell2288: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to atkinsonj [Ad As] Elijah6666: folds 69cbr1000f: folds zlizard: calls 20 Shanny80: calls 20 glennthe ma: raises 80 to 100 scritchie: folds atkinsonj: raises 100 to 200 JayStaxit: raises 1300 to 1500 and is all-in campbell2288: folds zlizard: folds Shanny80: folds glennthe ma: calls 1400 and is all-in atkinsonj: calls 1300 and is all-in *** FLOP *** [5h 4h Qs] *** TURN *** [5h 4h Qs] [2s] *** RIVER *** [5h 4h Qs 2s] [Qh] *** SHOW DOWN *** JayStaxit: shows [Qd 4d] (a full house, Queens full of Fours) glennthe ma: shows [6d 7d] (a pair of Queens) atkinsonj: shows [Ad As] (two pair, Aces and Queens) JayStaxit collected 4560 from pot JayStaxit said, "nice" atkinsonj has timed out while disconnected atkinsonj is sitting out glennthe ma is sitting out *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4560 | Rake 0 Board [5h 4h Qs 2s Qh] Seat 1: atkinsonj (button) showed [Ad As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens Seat 2: JayStaxit (small blind) showed [Qd 4d] and won (4560) with a full house, Queens full of Fours Seat 3: campbell2288 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 4: Elijah6666 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 5: 69cbr1000f folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: zlizard folded before Flop Seat 7: Shanny80 folded before Flop Seat 8: glennthe ma showed [6d 7d] and lost with a pair of Queens Seat 9: scritchie folded before Flop (didn't bet) :@:@:@ I hate pocket AA even if i shoved i think they still would of called but never mind. Then the £250 cashed $0.15 Going to play double's until out of cash wish me luck. Balance $2.79

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Re: atkinsonj pokerstars challenge Finished Played a double and lost was sitting with 1750 chips and made some studid call and found myself short stacked which didn't last long :(. With the rest ($1.39) i went and played cash this was not my night but the las hand sitting with $0.95 i got AK there was a raise to $0.39 thought about it then raised all-in got called with AJ and he hit a J :cry just was not my night. Will try again soon

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