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Who likes the Devilfish?


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Re: Who likes the Devilfish? Definitwly has an ego on him but I think his bark is worse than his bite. Most top British pro's from the old school have a lot of time for him. They wouldn't have wanted to be associated in the book "Swimming With The DevilFish" otherwise. I have never met the guy but I have a great mate who plays with success and makes more than the odd trip over to Vegas each year, and he says he is a genuinely good guy.

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Re: Who likes the Devilfish? I have played on the same table as devilfish and have to say he was a very nice guy. We played in a comp at the Grosvener in Walsall. he had the table talk and every one was scared of him but when push comes to shove he was quite the gent offering advice to guys during the breaks.

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Re: Who likes the Devilfish?

And how much did he buy in for? Would be shocked if it's not close to' date=' or more than $300k[/quote'] Put it this way - I'd be much happier with his earnings than mine - bear in mind the stats I posted make no mention of cash game earnings or endorsements.
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Re: Who likes the Devilfish?

Put it this way - I'd be much happier with his earnings than mine - bear in mind the stats I posted make no mention of cash game earnings or endorsements.
No-one (except those that play in the games) has any idea how much he wins or loses in cash games, so we can ignore those. Endorsements he probably makes a nice amount, but not mega-bucks.
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Re: Who likes the Devilfish? I used to like him a lot but nowadays he moans way too much about 'running bad' and he makes a lot of really bad plays on TV but he consistently gets results on the UK circuit. FWIW about 9/10 TV pros should have quit before the game moved on, but i put Devilfish and more of the older players into a different category as experience is invaluable in poker so they'll still be making money at the game for years to come if they want IMO.

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Re: Who likes the Devilfish?

experience is invaluable
How much experience do they really have though? How many hands do you think Devilfish has played compared to, oh I don't know .... YOU!! ? I'm not sure Devilfish would have played more hands than you, despite MANY more years playing poker - sure he's got more experience of playing live, but I'd guess you could be more experienced than him at poker :unsure
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Re: Who likes the Devilfish? That's an interesting thought :lol I was thinking more about the old school players being better hustlers so using their vast life experience to get the better of people in a live setting. That's something the standard TV Pros like clonie gowen haven't got, not only are they bad at poker they have no hustle so when their live luckbox runs out they're toast.

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Re: Who likes the Devilfish?

I have played on the same table as devilfish and have to say he was a very nice guy. We played in a comp at the Grosvener in Walsall. he had the table talk and every one was scared of him but when push comes to shove he was quite the gent offering advice to guys during the breaks.
Agree for the most part, for the two hours or so I sat with him he was a complete gent to everyone at the table but one person. He seemed to have a real issue with the fella who had the chip lead at the table, John Kabbaj, he was needling him about anything and everything including his size/look. I thought maybe they knew each other and it was just friendly banter but DF got quite personal and the fact Kabbaj wasn't laughing along or responding (he just cracked on with the game) suggested there might have been previous between them. :unsure He came into the betfair lounge after the days play and told me what he thought gave away the strenth of my final hand, gave me a little advice and wished me luck for the future which I though was very civil of him. :ok
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Re: Who likes the Devilfish? Devilfish is one of the all time great poker players (which isn't just about playing poker) but a bit misunderstood like Tony G. They've built a brand of themselves so sometimes act OTT to play up to it. In real life both Antanas Guoga and Dave Ulliott are smart, street wise people though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Who likes the Devilfish? I find it utterly bizarre that some people question the abilities of a player who has been making a living out of the game for 3 decades. He has won a WSOP bracelet, a WPT title and has amassed over 5.6m in tournament winnings. I know there are some very very decent players on this forum but none of you can hold a light to his achievements.

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Re: Who likes the Devilfish?

And speaking of the PKR HU tourny how funny was geshkenbein? absolute genius from start to finish and his match with james sudworth was the funniest thing ive seen in poker, glad he beat hellpi as i cant stand him... bloody nit!
Yeh that german guy was funny but was giving way too much info about his hands away which Juha should have taken advantage of but just wasn't good enough to do so which surprised me.
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