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Anybody up for a Rush Hour Challenge at 6pm today?


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Starting at 6pm GMT, play on Full Tilt Rush Poker table "Mach 10" ($0.05/$0.10 full ring NLHE). Whoever has the largest stack at 7pm GMT wins. Full Tilt just gave me a free $5 (I think because I was the last person in the world to try Rush poker). I'll donate that as a token prize. Rules:

  • Start at or after 6pm GMT.
  • No multi-tabling. One seat only.
  • Buy in for a total of $10 (or less). This can be $10 to start, or you can top up later, so long as your total buy-in doesn't exceed $10.
  • No hands started after 7pm GMT count.
  • Only existing PL members are eligible for the $5 prize.

Post here if you want to take part, preferably with your Full Tilt screen name (I'm slapdash222), and post as soon as possible after 7pm with your final stack size. I'll trust people to be honest.

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Re: Anybody up for a Rush Hour Challenge at 6pm today? Nobody? :spank Well, I'm going ahead, and my $5 is still on offer if anybody wants to join me, though I reserve the right to withdraw the offer if I lose half my stack before anybody else has posted here to say they're taking part.

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Re: Anybody up for a Rush Hour Challenge at 6pm today?

Might as well as i'm around. What's the no auto top up rule all about? The winner is the one with the biggest stack not the most won right. I'll screenshot at 7pm :ok
As I understand it - if you buy in for $10, then you are not allowed to add any more - lose $5 and you have to play with a $5 stack - lose $10 and you are history!!
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Re: Anybody up for a Rush Hour Challenge at 6pm today?

As I understand it - if you buy in for $10' date=' then you are not allowed to add any more - lose $5 and you have to play with a $5 stack - lose $10 and you are history!![/quote'] Yes. My vague idea was that I didn't want people wildly gambling to get a big stack, knowing they could rebuy if it went wrong. No need for screenshots. I'll trust you.
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Re: Anybody up for a Rush Hour Challenge at 6pm today?

Not going well.... $10 >>>>>>>>>>>>> $5.56
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $0 :sad ***** Hand History for Game 18402399213 ***** (Full Tilt) $10.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, February 12, 01:11:35 ET 2010 Table Mach 10 (Real Money) Seat 6 is the button Seat 1: jester918 ( $11.60 USD ) Seat 2: luv2cdflop ( $8.81 USD ) Seat 3: 11medium ( $9.60 USD ) Seat 4: Will Baek ( $14.38 USD ) Seat 5: Psylencer26 ( $9.92 USD ) Seat 6: SandyCoal ( $3.35 USD ) Seat 7: Telepe ( $3.81 USD ) Seat 8: FloDizzle ( $8.00 USD ) Seat 9: koollray ( $4.39 USD ) Telepe posts small blind [$0.05 USD]. FloDizzle posts big blind [$0.10 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to Telepe [ :Kc: :Ac: ] koollray folds jester918 raises [$0.35 USD] luv2cdflop folds 11medium folds Will Baek folds Psylencer26 folds SandyCoal folds Telepe raises [$1.45 USD] FloDizzle folds jester918 calls [$1.15 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ :5d:, :Kd:, :Jd: ] Telepe bets [$2.31 USD] jester918 calls [$2.31 USD] Telepe shows [:Kc:, :Ac: ] jester918 shows [:Ad:, :Qs: ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ :4s: ] ** Dealing River ** [ :Tc: ] jester918 wins $7.21 USD from main pot
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