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Poker Books


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Ok guys and girls, I wanted to start a thread about poker literature. I will admit to being a bit of a bookworm, now I know that not everyone is, but I do love a good tale. Since discovering poker some 7 or 8 years ago I have really enjoyed some books out on the market. Below is a list of some of my favourite books on the subject (I haven't included any teaching manuals). I started off with Al Alvarez's BIGGEST GAME IN TOWN which is just magnificent. I would highly highly recommend this to anyone. Anthony Holden, who played regularly with Alvarez and was part of their social game , authored BIG DEAL which is again a great fun read. He has recently added, BIGGER DEAL, which is a lot of fun but not quite as good as the first, (sequels are so rarely better than the original are they?). Michael Craig's book, THE PROFESSOR, THE BANKER AND THE SUICIDE KING is an unbelievable tale of how Andy Beal, (the banker), took on the Vegas pros at nosebleed stakes. Other books I have really enjoyed are SWIMMING WITH THE DEVILFISH, ACES AND KINGS, CHECK RAISING THE DEVIL, and more recently FOR RICHER, FOR POORER by Victoria Cohen. What other books can people recommend?

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Re: Poker Books Stu Ungar: The Man Behind the Shades by Nolan Dalla is essential reading about a tragic legend. Also Des Wilson's Ghosts at the Table about the history of the game. Not about poker, but i've just finished reading 'Super Casinos' which is a fascinating story of how the Vegas casinos went from Mafia-run to big business in the 90s. Well worth checking out.

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Re: Poker Books Swampster - totally agree about Ghosts at The table, I think that was Des Wilson's follow up after Swimming With the Devilfish. I think he's trying to persuade Neil Channing to do a book with him that I think would be a great read. Nolan Dalla's book on Ungar is another "must read". His story is quite incredible. Haven't read or come across "Super Casinos" but I'll definitely look out for it. Bringing Down The House, is a casino based tale well worth reading about the card counters at Boston MIT.

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Re: Poker Books Hey, Just reged for the forums today! My favorite book by far when I started out playin poker was "Poker Nation" by Andy Bellin. It is full of great stories and has a lot of subtle strategy about poker and probability mixed through the pages. Re-read recently and though there are some statements made which I totally disagree with, still an amazing read, cant recommend enough.

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Re: Poker Books Hi 3/1 Ratio, (WTF is that name about?!!!!!) Welcome to "the lounge", THE greatest internet forum in the world. FACT! I haven't heard of Poker Nation and I'll definitely be on the look out for that - might have a peek at Amazon later on - sounds like it will be right up my street. Another book I forgot I had was Amarillo Slim's, In A World Full Of Fat People which is quite a fun read. Has anyone read Roy "The Boy" Brindley's book? In Swimming With the Devilfish there is just a great great story involving him and online poker. He basically found some money in a Victor Chandler account he had and started spinning it up over a Saturday afternoon. Armed with a few beers he goes on a HUGE run - gets in an Indian, gets some more beers and just cant lose. Gets Aces wins, gets them again and now some idiot is betting into him !! Runs it upto thousands!! Phones his girlfriend tells her to get the holiday brochures, he's going to buy a Porsche etc etc. The next day he goes to withdraw it and nothing is happening. His missus tries as well from a different pc. No Luck. Phone calls are made. Discovers it is play money :rollin

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Re: Poker Books Recently finished "Shut Up And Deal" by Jesse May. Its a fictional story about a live high stakes grinder and all the good and bad elements that come with that. Another great work of poker fiction is "Broke:A Poker Novel" by Brandon Adams. Its about a group of young high stakes online grinders who also play in the big live tourneys. Both excellent books for anyone with an interest in poker.

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