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what would you do? is this a no-brainer?


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GAME #2092689680: Omaha PL $0.10/$0.20 2010-01-29 23:42:22 Table Guttle Seat 1: Franky4Finga ($8.12 in chips) Seat 3: tamayous ($19.70 in chips) Seat 5: febel87 ($24.96 in chips) DEALER Seat 6: poppinfish11 ($22.75 in chips) Seat 8: keroware ($46.76 in chips) Seat 10: tealcSVU ($9.69 in chips) poppinfish11: Post SB $0.10 keroware: Post BB $0.20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to tealcSVU [DQ S6 CQ D5] tealcSVU: Call $0.20 Franky4Finga: Fold tamayous: Fold febel87: Raise (NF) $0.90 poppinfish11: Fold keroware: Call $0.70 tealcSVU: Call $0.70 *** FLOP *** [D4 C2 C7] keroware: Bet $2.80 tealcSVU: Call $2.80 febel87: Fold *** TURN *** [D7] keroware: Bet $8.40

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Re: what would you do? is this a no-brainer?

You shouldn't be in that hand at all. After calling raise out of position' date=' it's going from very bad to bloody awful :ok.[/quote'] This. To play this hand out of position I'd have to know the players or be in a soft game. As played you have to fold the turn. You may be winning as he could have a draw only. He may have bottom two and got conterfitted. But he may have a house. As played the percentage play is fold.
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Re: what would you do? is this a no-brainer? as it was i ahead,he had been bleeding cash so it felt right to call... tealcSVU: Allin $5.99 *** RIVER *** [DK] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $21.78 Rake $1.01 keroware: Shows [CJ H10 D10 CA] tealcSVU: Shows [DQ S6 CQ D5] keroware: wins $2.41 tealcSVU: wins $19.37

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