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Betting Bank

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I'd like your views on what I think are two very important and interesting aspects of successful betting. 1) What the correct size of a permanent betting bank should be to get the right balance between safety (not running out of cash or worrying about running out) and profitability (best % return on the money in the bank). For this example lets assume that you bet between 1 and 4 points per selection, have an average stake of 2 points, a strike rate of 20% (range of 15% to 25%) and a profit on turnover of 15% (range 5% to 25%). 2) The method of increasing stakes that's easiest to execute in practice and makes best use of the profits being generated. For example, increase the stakes in proportion to the bank as it increases or remain on the same stake and increase based on bank size at fixed intervals (monthly, season, year, etc) or any others you prefer. I'll start of with my views: 1) I would say that an 80 point bank would be correct as it would take a really bad run of 40 losers or three of 15 split by the odd winner right at the start of the period to break the bank and this is very unlikely. Assuming a normal winning run for the first 100 bets or so of 30 points, the Bank would be very well protected through to the end of the chosen period. 2) My preference would be to choose a sample size (say 250 bets) that's big enough to even out some of the short term variance but small enough to get the stakes moving up. Given the assumptions above, the 250 bets would, on average, generate 500 points of turnover and a profit of 75 points, giving a 155 point bank. I'd then hold back about half of the profit in a reserve bank and increase the stakes. This is because, as the stakes rise, your ability to replace the entire (now larger) bank from other sources is assumed to be lower. So in this example I'd hold back about 35 points, making my new bank 120 points and increasing stakes by 50%. Over time the % difference between the two banks would reduce, effectively creating a complete reserve bank by the time you are betting large sums. Would love to see your thoughts on this. K

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Re: Betting Bank Hi Kithanga :ok I work with a bank of 100pts and lay to 1pt,highest odds i lay to is 7,00 and lowest is 1,84 on Betfair my average odds lay is 3,80 overall laying out 2,80pts to gain 1pt minus comm I increase my amount of cash each month on my points if i make more than 10pts if less than 10pts stays the same,if in a loss for that month i then divide the total to 100pts after the loss that month and start again I have 2 banks and what i call a profit account so really 3 banks but this has been built up over years and years of laying,i started on Betfair laying to £2 a lay which was 1point at the start,it is very important to have money put away from your profit and agree with your good book keeping on increase amounts on betting There is another part involed in betting that is sticking to what brings the money in ive learnt this over the years to my cost,i love football but iam total piss at betting on this great game and especially years ago i would have say a good week on the horses and would blow the lot over a weekend laying/backing football games and why because the games were on the telly ect So if you are blessed and lucky to gain a foothold in what ever betting you do take this and dont get greedy trying to be good at every thing it just wont happen

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