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Bluff Europe $5.50 UKIPT Wed 20th Jan 8pm (probable overlay)


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Just seen this on Bluff Europe. http://www.bluffeurope.com/cardgang/ Bluff Europe has teamed up with PokerStars to celebrate its new UK and Ireland Poker Tour (UKIPT) by hosting a very special tournament at 8pm (UK time) on Wednesday 20th January 2010. As well as a cash prize, the top four finishers will each gain entry into a $530 satellite for next month's £100,000 guaranteed UK and Ireland Poker Tour (UKIPT) event in Manchester (11th to 14th February). Qualifiers from that satellite can win a UKIPT prize package that includes the £500 Main Event buy in, plus accommodation and $500 in cash. Entry to this exclusive tournament is $5+50c with the top 15% of the field making the money. You can find the tournament in the PokerStars lobby. Click on the Tournament tab then Private. The event is at 8pm (UK time) on Wednesday 20th January and is called Bluff Magazine UKIPT Special.The password is removed (lower case) Only 8 people registered so far so there should be a decent overlay.:cheers

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Re: Bluff Europe $5.50 UKIPT Wed 20th Jan 8pm (probable overlay) this is the hand that brought me back to life,after my AK lost to 10/10 and my KQ lost Q/7 i was pretty much dead and buried. PokerStars Game #38471372312: Tournament #233610929, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (500/1000) - 2010/01/20 23:09:01 WET [2010/01/20 18:09:01 ET] Table '233610929 9' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: vvvlllaad (24322 in chips) Seat 4: teaulc (4536 in chips) Seat 5: evertonbabe (11094 in chips) Seat 7: frazer86 (40694 in chips) Seat 8: Tom1559 (11710 in chips) vvvlllaad: posts the ante 100 teaulc: posts the ante 100 evertonbabe: posts the ante 100 frazer86: posts the ante 100 Tom1559: posts the ante 100 teaulc: posts small blind 500 evertonbabe: posts big blind 1000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [3h 3s] frazer86 said, "lol" evertonbabe said, "im so sorryal" teaulc said, "jeez" frazer86 said, "sick lol" frazer86: raises 1222 to 2222 Tom1559: folds vvvlllaad: folds teaulc: raises 1222 to 3444 evertonbabe said, "i just wanna go to bed" evertonbabe: raises 7550 to 10994 and is all-in frazer86: calls 8772 teaulc: calls 992 and is all-in frazer86 said, "ul jesus" *** FLOP *** [Ad Kd Jd] frazer86 said, "sick river" *** TURN *** [Ad Kd Jd] [Ks] *** RIVER *** [Ad Kd Jd Ks] [3c] *** SHOW DOWN *** evertonbabe: shows [9h Jh] (two pair, Kings and Jacks) frazer86: shows [Qd Qs] (two pair, Kings and Queens) frazer86 collected 13116 from side pot teaulc: shows [3h 3s] (a full house, Threes full of Kings) frazer86 said, "FFS" frazer86 said, "lol" teaulc collected 13808 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 26924 Main pot 13808. Side pot 13116. | Rake 0 Board [Ad Kd Jd Ks 3c] Seat 1: vvvlllaad (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: teaulc (small blind) showed [3h 3s] and won (13808) with a full house, Threes full of Kings Seat 5: evertonbabe (big blind) showed [9h Jh] and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks Seat 7: frazer86 showed [Qd Qs] and won (13116) with two pair, Kings and Queens Seat 8: Tom1559 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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Re: Bluff Europe $5.50 UKIPT Wed 20th Jan 8pm (probable overlay) i did enjoy this hand: PokerStars Game #38474455507: Tournament #233610929, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (1500/3000) - 2010/01/21 0:14:14 WET [2010/01/20 19:14:14 ET] Table '233610929 11' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 3: teaulc (69341 in chips) Seat 4: Iucretia (10082 in chips) Seat 5: heniek31 (34580 in chips) Seat 7: Tom1559 (28985 in chips) Seat 8: frazer86 (71882 in chips) Seat 9: therivr (22130 in chips) teaulc: posts the ante 300 Iucretia: posts the ante 300 heniek31: posts the ante 300 Tom1559: posts the ante 300 frazer86: posts the ante 300 therivr: posts the ante 300 Tom1559: posts small blind 1500 frazer86: posts big blind 3000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [2d 7h] therivr: folds teaulc: raises 9000 to 12000 Iucretia: calls 9782 and is all-in heniek31: folds Tom1559: folds frazer86: folds Uncalled bet (2218) returned to teaulc *** FLOP *** [6h 4c 5h] *** TURN *** [6h 4c 5h] [Jc] *** RIVER *** [6h 4c 5h Jc] [8h] *** SHOW DOWN *** teaulc: shows [2d 7h] (a straight, Four to Eight) Iucretia: shows [Qd As] (high card Ace) teaulc collected 25864 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 25864 | Rake 0 Board [6h 4c 5h Jc 8h] Seat 3: teaulc showed [2d 7h] and won (25864) with a straight, Four to Eight Seat 4: Iucretia showed [Qd As] and lost with high card Ace Seat 5: heniek31 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: Tom1559 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 8: frazer86 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 9: therivr folded before Flop (didn't bet)

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