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Should I call or fold?


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Played the Stan James TFI Bounty last night, and the villain of this piece had already doubled up with a trash hand all in against a high pocket pair, and had bet and raised most pots, winning without showing much of the time. Blinds are 15/30, I have 2170 chips and am in the big blind Three limp, the villain calles from the SB, and I check with KTo (King of Clubs) The flop is 9 Club 8 Diamond 7 Club and is checked round The turn is 2 Club, I bet half pot and get two callers The river is Q Club. Villain checks, I bet half pot, player 3 folds, and the villain goes all-in (after nearly using all of his time) for 3990. Do I call?

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Re: Should I call or fold? Yes - It's probably not a case of if your winning in this instance or not - but you can't be folding the 2nd Nuts against Loose Agressive players as in the long term its definitely -Ev He may have thought your 1/2 pot bet was a weak steal ? Also you presumably bet the turn as a blocker bet to hit the river (Straight or flush) - so you've got what you wanted, don't back off now.

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Re: Should I call or fold? For me, it's a call - OK, he might have the Ace, or perhaps he just wants to bully you off anything BUT the Ace. As VoJ says, you got just what you wanted, so take a gulp, grab your cahunas, and chalk it down as "one of those things" if he's got the Ace. I've seen more and more players use the timebar as a supposed indicator of strength (eg - leave it until virtually the end before making a huge bet, to cause confusion, and imply that they have the nuts, but were waiting to suggest lack of strength - in that if they really DID have the nuts, they wouldn't take the risk of running out of time, so they must be weak). EDIT - [Just re-read that and I'm unsure it makes sense :$]

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Re: Should I call or fold? Either way is fine imo. You've only put 12% of your stack into the pot so you can fold and wait for a better spot against this opponent. Against such a LAG opponent calling would also be fine although villain taking such a line with the J of clubs (if he doesn't have the :Ac:) seems rather weird to me.

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Re: Should I call or fold? I'm folding here. I he has Jc, he's calling. I think, by taking time, he's trying to show he's weak, when in fact he has the nuts. When you bet, he knows you have a club and by pushing all in he might get you to call with Kc or Jc. Anyway, your stack is nearly intact, so much more to play for.

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Re: Should I call or fold?

So horny' date=' what did you do?[/quote'] :$ Sorry all, I'd forgotten all about this. I think it is interesting that there was a split in opinion. I actually called and his LAG image worked nicely for him as he did indeed have the Ace:(. For all this, he went out only about 20 places further in the tournament without taking another bounty, so I imagine his continued loose play backfired on him.
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