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how to play AA badly


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Game # 1528510383 - Texas Hold'em No Limit 25/50 - Table "Tournament Table Team Devilfish EMOP GC €5 Sat 7476837 1" Players(max 9): EDalzell (3,751.00 in seat 1) bubble11 (2,635.00 in seat 2) evilbow (3,176.00 in seat 4) jammydevil (2,798.00 in seat 5) tealcsg1 (1,810.00 in seat 6) ChaseUrsel (1,455.00 in seat 7) ChusFish (2,375.00 in seat 8) Dealer: ChaseUrsel Small Blind: ChusFish (25.00) Big Blind: EDalzell (50.00) tealcsg1 was dealt: As - Ah bubble11 Fold evilbow Fold jammydevil Fold tealcsg1 Raise (100.00) ChaseUrsel Fold ChusFish Fold EDalzell Call (50.00) Flop Qc - 5s - 7s EDalzell Check tealcsg1 Bet (50.00) EDalzell Call (50.00) Turn Qc - 5s - 7s - 6c EDalzell Check tealcsg1 Bet (50.00) EDalzell Raise (368.00) tealcsg1 Fold EDalzell Payback (318.00) EDalzell didn't show hand EDalzell wins: 425.00 Game ended 2010-01-09 20:30:41 GMT

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Re: how to play AA badly

Id raise more preflop. Not sure I'd fold to his raise on the flop cos he could have a draw or a smaller overpr.
i didnt, i folded on the turn :ok there was plenty of time to play yet as it was a winner takes all,as it turned out i lost in the heads up. but i would normally raise more preflop.
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Re: how to play AA badly

You just enjoy being outdrawn dont you? :tongue2 Min raise pre flop and min bet on the flop and the turn :loon You can expect your opponent to be playing with any 2 cards!
cant go by the book everytime. sometimes it is worth just playing around with different ways of doing things.,as it was i got AA again,pot raised preflop and no takers,although it was a SB vs BB scenario. Game # 1528549409 - Texas Hold'em No Limit 75/150 - Table "Tournament Table Team Devilfish EMOP GC €5 Sat 7476837 1" Players(max 9): EDalzell (4,788.00 in seat 1) bubble11 (2,510.00 in seat 2) evilbow (3,639.00 in seat 4) tealcsg1 (4,302.00 in seat 6) ChusFish (2,761.00 in seat 8) Dealer: evilbow Small Blind: tealcsg1 (75.00) Big Blind: ChusFish (150.00) tealcsg1 was dealt: Ad - Ac EDalzell Fold bubble11 Fold evilbow Fold tealcsg1 Raise (225.00) ChusFish Fold tealcsg1 Payback (150.00) tealcsg1 didn't show hand tealcsg1 wins: 300.00 Game ended 2010-01-09 20:53:11 GMT
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