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Multitabbing MTT's


Multitabbing MTT's  

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I feel like I can handle up to 3 MTT's at the same time without a noticeable drop in my level op play. When I go to 4 then I lose a bit of oversight, 5 or more are disastrous. Is this bad? How many MTT's do you guys play simultaneously without any noticeable drop in oversight in table dynamics?

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Re: Multitabbing MTT's I don't really play to many sites these days all my main games are on stars these days and I don't play to many mtts on there cause they end up at stupid o'clock for us. If I'm playing I will just register for anything up to.. usually say $20 so can have anything upto 8/10 tables running. I think I can play my A game in them now I have a proper set up. I don't think I can play my best game on my old monitor even with just 5 tables running.

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Re: Multitabbing MTT's As most of my poker is on Boss it is an absolute nightmare running over 2 tables as you cannot alter the seating position. Also since they removed the 4 colour option (or did they ever have it?) each hand demands that little more attention. I find that at 3 tables the panic starts to kick in...I hate it when it is my go at two tables at the same time (would have said simultaneously but can't spell that!) and that is the easiest time to make a blunder. So I'll stick with only 2 max...at least until I'm running two monitors!

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Re: Multitabbing MTT's Two here, but usually only play one. I find it useful to know who is multitabling when I'm playing ring games, particularly the two guys to my left. Most sites have a player search facility, so you can easily find out who's playing lots of tables. It's much easier to steal blinds off these players, as it takes them a while (if ever) to realise that you are always raising the button. The best ones to be up against are the autofolders.

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