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Software or books to recommend to a DONK


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I was watching a recording of an actual game played by someone and next to his hole cards it showed his % chance of winning the hand. Is this a special kind of software or does it just come with some poker sites (think this was on Bet365)? Also, I have only been playing a couple of weeks and am sick of getting called a Donk, fish etc and not knowing exactly what I have done wrong :lol I am only playing NL Hold'Em and seem to do ok in heads up (winning about 70% despite being called the names) but crap in MTT (lack of patience I think). I think the reason I am doing better in HU is that I dont play to the rule book so am getting away with things, hence the names. So I am looking for software or book recommendations for an absolute beginner to help me progress. Over to you guys :ok

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Re: Software or books to recommend to a DONK The % are shown on some of the sites:ok Cant help you with the other sorry dont use any extra software and never read any books. Read a few articles in the mags but that's about it. Which is probably why after decades of playing poker i still get called a donk and a fish:lol

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Re: Software or books to recommend to a DONK Which site do you play on? Maybe give the Full Tilt Academy a go - is free with pretty minimal play on Full Tilt. (and sign up for freepokertraining too for free access to cardrunners and stoxpoker based on the volume/value of your play) Maybe try deucescracked too - it's a pay site, but the first 7 day trial is free - in that time, you can download their entire video catalogue if you wish - they deliberately make their vids available without protection. The percentage chance you talk of just sounds like the poker software as Guppie said - but there is a lot of software out there that players use as aids too - the primary software is Holem Manager and Poker Tracker 3 (both available on free trials). If you dont already have it, then download Pokerstove - it's pretty essential early in your poker career for learning the odds (and is free!). Although you may only have played 2 hands with them, there are sites out there which you can use to see someones entire online poker career - you cant assume your opponents know nothing about you anymore - even if you know nothing about them. For Cash play, then try pokertableratings, for STTs try sharkscope and for MTT results try officialpokerrankings. In addition, there are also sites where you can buy Hand History databases - your opponent may have a summary of every hand you've ever played on his Heads Up Display. Even though it's pretty dated now - the Harrington on Holdem trilogy would probably make good reading if you're primarily a tournament player.

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