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You will never see this in poker


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Uber and I played live last night. £20 FO Christmas game. It means starting stacks were between 5k and 23k (dependent on the positions you finished in MTTs over the whole year). This is the first hand of the tournament! One of the old folks shuffles and cards are cut and dealt. UTG calls Me raise to 250 (2 black tens) Player 3 calls Player 4 calls Player 5 raise to 1k Player 6 raise all in All comes back to UTG, who folds, I fold and Player 3 folds. Player 4 takes he's time. While he's thinking (and I know its not appropriate, but it's a friendly game). First three of us look at each other cards. UTG has 2 black 9s and Player 3 has 2 black Js :loon:unsure. Player 4 folds after few minutes and Player 5 calls all in. We have: UTG 2 black 9s Me 2 black 10s Player 3 2 black Js Player 4 QQ Player 5 KK Player 6 AA :unsure:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon:loon I swear to you, I was standing up for 10 minutes, scratching my head and repeating, that we must be on hidden camera show, and this must be a set up :lol. Slapdash, whats the odds? Oh and live poker is ******* rigged!!!!!!!!

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