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Time to start again....


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I've been thinking about this for a few weeks, but I have decided to take action (or lack of as the case may be!). Although not Phil Ivey, I have been a relatively successful MTT player for a couple of years, making more money each year, and (I think) improving into quite a competent player. The last three months have seen a large downturn in my fortunes and my desire to play, and for once variance is not to blame, it is me. My new job has taken on an unwelcome turn, and aswell as being considerably more tired, I am somewhat resentful and getting annoyed easily. Poker has always been a hobby, and a source of a little extra money for the luxuries, recently it has been a release against the job, and my play has been ill-considered, too aggressive wanting to win the tournament in the first level, and generally fishy. I have also gone back to pissed up poker, and that is bleeding money. Whilst I sort out everyting else (which is achieveable), I am going to get away from playing poker, withdraw my entire bankroll (well what's left), and do family related things in the evenings. I don't want to give up forever (I don't think I could), and when I come back in the New Year (hopefully), I will deposit $XXX dollars on one site, and play properly and seriously, safe in the knowledge that once it is gone, it's gone. At the moment I have money spread over tons of sites, keep no records, and play with no target to attempt to achieve. Sorry for rambling, and i will still be around on PL, but I won't be partaking in any leagues or events for the next few weeks, and apologies to the Ace of Clubs guys for really not contributing to the Betfair challenge:$. I think the slight embarrassment of my performance there allied to a couple of fukcing stupid sessions in the last week or two made me realise that action needed to be taken. Steve

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Re: Time to start again.... If it not happy doing it, then be happy not doing it :ok Have a good time off Steve - hopefully you can come back with a fresh outlook, and clear mind. If you get the urge to play sooner than later, then you could always combine it with the .......

family related things in the evenings.
................and teach your Missus and bairns how to play NLHE :lol:lol
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