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teaulc`s in Orlando woohoo


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just want to wish everyone the best of luck in their games for the next 3 weeks,i am off on my hols to Florida on Monday and i am looking forward to a nice break from poker and spending some quality time with my family in Orlando and Disney World etc. when i get back i intend to come away from online tournaments and do more Live play with a mix of online variant cash games.

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Re: not poker related but hey i spend my life here

Have a great time Al:ok' date=' better keep of the rides at your age though;).[/quote'] no no no no no,,,i am really looking forward on going on everything,especially the summet plummet,which is one of America`s highest water slides :dude
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Re: teaulc`s in Orlando woohoo great start to the holiday,,took a wrong turn on the way to the hotel and ended up on the road to Miami :unsure, still got there in the end. what a great car we got as well,, a Ford Fusion with all mod cons....sweet :dude went to Sea World 1st, and 1st thing we headed to was Kraken, what a great rollercoaster but the was bettered by the new Mantra, a rollercoaster where you go upside down right from the start :eek:eek have to say that this is probably the best rollercoaster i have been on...... on the way to one of the shows has a caricature painting done of me and my 2 boys,very well done as well,i will post up when i get the chance. Epcot next on the agenda :ok speak soon Al

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Re: teaulc`s in Orlando woohoo You need some of this to warm you up sailor boy:

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Re: teaulc`s in Orlando woohoo Hi Al, I'm heading over to Orlando for x-mas and new year. Have got Flex tickets for the Orlando parks but nothing for disney yet, was just planning on getting into one or two of those parks over there. Any Idea on the best ones (the kids are 11 and 12 and I'm nearly as old as you) Thinking about Daytona beach and the space center, what do you reckon? Cheers

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Re: teaulc`s in Orlando woohoo my kids are 17 and 13 and werent impressed with Disney at all and found the Epcot centre a bit of a disappointment. but then Disney is really for the young ones i suppose.although they did like Hollywood Studios. cant go wrong with Seaworld and Wet & Wild and Busch Gardens. Universal was very good and with regards to Kennedy Space Centre,we didnt go as tickets were around $45 each. if you do go to Disney get a 2 or 3 day pass as it wont take that long to go round tbh,unless you go into everything,depends on your kids likes and dislikes. my kids were more into Rollercoaster and high octane rides.

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