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Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt


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Ok guys and girls - something of a dilemna for me. Qualified for an FTOPS and forgot to unregister...and I have work tomorrow...and i cant really justify sitting up much later. Currently have 14k in chips (average is 7k) ..268 out of 3,500 left. I have 2 options i think - carry on myself for another hour, then sit out and just hope to somehow make the money...or find a trustworthy and capable player here to take over from me....so any takers?

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt havent got my HH set up on ft so will try to keep a running report on any hands 1st one dont think i have done anything wrong here apart from standard play im on the button with AK, 2 to my left raises, i 3xbet him hes all in im calling flop was 10 K x turn blank river blank villain had 10 10 for a flopped set - so down to around 4.5k :sad

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt a liittle bit of aggression from seeing cheap flops win me back a few hands, then i get 55 in the BB. utg min raises with 2 callers including myself. I manage to hit the 5 on the flop so i check to the raiser who also checks so do the others. K is on the turn so check again hoping is has the K from raise, he leads out this time and i flat call him. Blank on the river i check he bets out and i reraise all in and he calls. He has pocket 4s :rollinback up to 9k 2 hands later ive got 77 on the button, raiser 2 from the cut off i flat call set mining and hit the 7 on the flop. manage to take the pot down and is now back up to 13k with the ave being 11k ;) must be the username :D

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt Disaster has happened - my f**kin wireless has just gone down and taken me 40 minutes to get it back up and running again :@:@:@:wall:wall:wall still have 10k but way behind average now of 20k with blinds at 300/600/ 25a

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt back up and running i have KK in the BB, utg raises to 1350 and there is one caller, so i shove all in squeeze playing. UTG folds but the other villain calls had has AA :sad:sad . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . K hits the flop i doubled up to 22k, and back in it:nana

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt Blinds are now 500/1k/a125 have been moved to a different taqble for the past half hour - a table full of big stacks who between themselves are raising nearly every pot so making it very difficult to even trying to steal a blind. :sad

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Re: Anyone want to play an FTOPS right now on Full Tilt Very well done RIVRD and ELCAKER. ELCAKER, I would be rather worried having someone else logging into my account from a different location to continue one tournament, since FTP might see this as a breach of their rules. However they might not notice...

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