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Samba's FML Challenge Diary


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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary It's been a while since I managed to get on. Now Christmas is out of the way I'm saving for a new computer and resume normality. I'm not sure what word is appropriate to describe a funeral, but Michael had a lot of friends and the church and crematorium were absolutely packed which was nice to see. Myself, his best friend, his uncle and a cousin were the pall bearers - and we managed to to avoid any accidents (Toni warned us if we dropped him it would be our turn next!). Toni's Auntie is out of hospital, although it will be the middle of the month before we know if her operation has been wholly successful. She did amaze the doctors with how she recovered the operation however, so hopefully that's a good sign. My Dad is also out of hospital. He's suffered, without following what he should have been doing, from diabetes for a good long while now, and it has caught up with him with a vengeance. His eyes, particularly his left, are shot to pieces. He has a (non-cancerous) growth almost on top of his optical nerve of his left eye which means he has to wear a patch as he doesn't have the strength to keep the eye open properly. He has duodenitis in his stomach, and the most recent - the reason he was in hospital for 5 weeks Nov-Dec - he had several mini heart attacks (without realising, which is apparently possible in diabetes sufferers) which has left the left hand side of his heart severely damaged. So he's dropping to bits, he has to take 13 tablets a day, but at least he's still here. My eye's fully healed, no pain or blurriness at all any more. Everything is slowly getting back on track, and I hope to have a new PC by end of Jan to mid Feb. For 2010 I am just hoping for a healthy year, if wealth and prosperity so be it but anything on top of health is a bonus. I hope everybody had enjoyable Christmasses and New Years, and wish you all good health for 2010 Pete

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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary Im the same Ade Missed this thread totally :wall Pete, were all here for ya mate and if you ever need us for anything, just shout! Im gonna play Aspers on Friday coming if you fancy a night out, we can stake you in and try take your mind off the recent events, even if just for a few hours or so! Best of luck for 2010 and heres to good health :cheers

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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary

Im gonna play Aspers on Friday coming if you fancy a night out, we can stake you in and try take your mind off the recent events, even if just for a few hours or so! Best of luck for 2010 and heres to good health :cheers
I'll be there at aspers with graeme on friday so hopefully you can make it and we can catch up. :hope If not, hope you and your family have a much better new year and more importantly a healthy new year! Take Care, Gaz :ok
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary Wow, over a month since I posted. I've done absolutely nothing towards getting fit and losing weight, so I am starting that NOW. Just been to Boots and weighed myself on their machine... not pretty reading. Height: 5' 8.4" Weight: 15st 1lb (96.1kg) B.M.I.: 31.7 Body Fat: 27.4% The upper limit of my 'ideal weight' is 11st 12lb (75.6kg), so that gives an indication of the work I have ahead of me. I need to lose 3st 3lb (20.5kg) - over 20% of my current weight. I should be aiming to getting my B.M.I. down to 25 in the first instance, and looking at decreasing my Body Fat to 21.5%. My main weakness by far are biscuits - I love a cuppa and a biscuit. Well, I say "a biscuit" - I find they're like Pringles claim to be... "once you pop..."! So biscuits are out. I never eat crisps anyway, rarely eat chocolate, cakes are another fondness that I will have to lose. I just like food, lol, which is a problem. I love steak and rice, which isn't a bad thing per se, but my portion size is easily enough for 2 people. And whilst that is cooking I'll sometimes make myself a ham sandwich to 'tide me over'... Does any of this ring true with others, or am I just a fat bassa? :$ In the immediate future I am going to reduce portion sizes, cut out the extras (like the sandwiches), make sure I have plenty fruit in the house in case I am hungry. I will save the majority of the calories I eat for my evening dinner (thinking 15% breakfast, 25% lunch, 55% dinner, 5% 'spare'). Fitness-wise, I ran to the shop and back last night - probably about 700 yds uphill there, downhill back - and when I got in I actually physically felt like I was going to be sick :$ Over the next weeks I will start using the exercise bike I bought myself, start off slowly, maybe 10 minutes, and build up the time each day til it is actually worthwhile. I'm not setting myself far off distant targets, although ultimately I have goals to get down to my suggested ideal weight and BMI etc, rather just concentrating on the little steps at the beginning, and aiming for nothing more than actually getting started for now.

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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary

15% breakfast, 25% lunch, 55% dinner, 5% 'spare'
I'm no expert, but I'm sure I've heard that you should eat less at night and more earlier in the day, so have a hearty breakfast (or a bowl of Special K :lol), a good lunch and lighter dinner. If you call them by their proper Northern names, dinner and tea, it might help! :tongue2 If you are a real biscuit face I reckon it'll be difficult to go cold turkey so maybe just take ONE out of the packet with your cuppa and put them away in the cupboard, instead of trying to cut them out completely. Got to give yourself a treat as long as you've been a good boy. If you want an early target for your fitness regime how about aiming for this on 21st March. http://www.sportrelief.com/the-mile (I'll sponsor you :D) Good luck :ok
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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary I have been trying to loose wight which i have been doing but after eating all the choc's from chirstmas i havn't put on any or lost any. I need to get back into me suit for june when i am going to be godfarther and want to get down to a size 36 (40/38 at the min) by the end of the year. I am going to get on one of them machines to get all the details and keep track of it, it will say ONE PERSON AT A TIME when i get on :rollin :ok

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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary

I'm no expert, but I'm sure I've heard that you should eat less at night and more earlier in the day, so have a hearty breakfast (or a bowl of Special K :lol), a good lunch and lighter dinner. If you call them by their proper Northern names, dinner and tea, it might help! :tongue2 If you are a real biscuit face I reckon it'll be difficult to go cold turkey so maybe just take ONE out of the packet with your cuppa and put them away in the cupboard, instead of trying to cut them out completely. Got to give yourself a treat as long as you've been a good boy. If you want an early target for your fitness regime how about aiming for this on 21st March. http://www.sportrelief.com/the-mile (I'll sponsor you :D) Good luck :ok
The only problem with having less later in the day is that is when the 'family meal' is, so by default that is when I have a larger... TEA ;) If I thought I could take just one biscuit out of the packet then all well and good, but I know I couldn't - so it's going to better to not have them in the house at all I think. I'll give some thought to the Sport Relief mile - though it'll be more a Sport Relief saunter I reckon :lol
I have been trying to loose wight which i have been doing but after eating all the choc's from chirstmas i havn't put on any or lost any. I need to get back into me suit for june when i am going to be godfarther and want to get down to a size 36 (40/38 at the min) by the end of the year. I am going to get on one of them machines to get all the details and keep track of it, it will say ONE PERSON AT A TIME when i get on :rollin :ok
:lol I don't actually understand how I am over 15 stone tbh :lol - 36" jeans are too big for me. Surely being more than 20% 'overweight' I should be up in the 38/40's :unsure As I keep telling the wife - it MUST be because muscle weighs heavier than fat :beer
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Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary Sick. Of. Poker. That spells it out pretty accurately :( Edit: I was writing about how bad beats don't normally affect me, but in describing my tale of woe playing 25nl cash tonight, I had managed to make it into a fifth paragraph and it was sounding even to me like pathetic 'look at me, feel sorry for me' bollocks, so I have deleted it :spank It's way past bedtime, my darling son is still getting out of bed saying he's "not sleepy", I've just been the poker equivalent of sodomised out of 5BI, I have to be up at 7, I've lost 0lbs despite feeling hungry every waking hour, the house looks like a bomb's hit it, Everton lost... Sod it. Look at me, feel sorry for me! :lol No... I have perspective - my home hasn't been reduced to rubble by an earthquake, I might be tired at 7 but I'll be alive, money's only printed paper, football's only a game, cuddly's often good, my family are healthy. G'night!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary Time to dust the cobwebs off this I think, and actually do what I had planned :lol My goals when I started were (with comments relating to now) ----- Family Goals

  • Spend less time on the internet and more time engaging in fun activities with them. (Still on as much on an evening, but not so much during the day. Evie and I got to a couple of groups each week, and meet with friends and their kids on other occasions too, which she loves)
  • Find more tolerance of Sam. For all I love him more than anything and wouldn't let anybody harm a hair on his head, he doesn't half annoy me when he is cheeky/rude/naughty etc etc. I spend half my day telling him off when, if I (as mentioned above) engaged him in more fun things instead of fecking about on the internet, he likely wouldn't be as cheeky/rude/naughty - or, as it will definitely be, seeking my attention. (ongoing, he's so clever :) and so cheeky to go with it. Wouldn't change him though)
  • Go to bed at the same time as Toni more often.... more than never then. (doesn't happen)
Fitness Goals I really did used to be one of the fittest people I knew, and now?! Well :$ ...
  • To be able to jog for more than the length of my street before feeling like I am dying. (am training properly now for something.....)
  • In the mid-term, to be at a level of fitness where I can comfortably do the NECCR Childrens Cancer Run (5 miles) in May 2010. (this didn't happen, but.....)
  • In the longer-term, to be at a level of fitness where I can do the Great North Run (13 miles) in Sept 2011. (this is going to happen :) I am running in the GNR this year for CLIC Sargent. Really looking forward to it, and have started my training. JustGiving page will be created soon, so get saving ;) )
  • Ultimately, to run a marathon before I am 35 (Sept 2013) (see how this September goes, and there's no reason why I wouldn't be on track for this)

Health Goals Despite looking more 'podgy' than 'fat' (in my opinion :unsure) the fact of the matter is I am over 2 stones heavier than the upper limit of the ideal weight for my height. I am 5ft 9, and weigh 14st 12lbs.

  • To be 13st 7lbs or under by Christmas 2009
  • To be 12st 7lbs (the upper limit of my ideal weight) by my 32nd birthday (26/09/2010)
  • To be 12st by Christmas 2010 (jeez, they were ambitious :lol .... right, well.... I am exactly 15stone, but that is 7lbs down in 4/5 weeks from I was, and I have started the hard yards on the road in training now, watching my diet, so I expect the weight to start dropping off now i have a focus (the GNR) to really concentrate towards.
Work Goals My job, as it were, is a full time Daddy to the kiddytwinks. Whilst it is lovely to spend more time with them, I do miss working and would also like them to have the structured educational development that nursery would provide them. Nursery in itself is the main root of the problem really, as we would need to have a month's fees (£1180) in advance for them to start full-time, which unless I had a job we can't afford. Vicious. Circle.
  • To have started (at least) a part-time job by January 1st 2010, enabling them each to at least spend half a day at nursery (Sam already does).

(It's decided that until Evie starts nursery in September I won't be be looking for anything. Sam's at school full time now, and loves it.) Poker Goals I've made huge strides since joining the forum, but consistently handicap myself by withdrawing winnings for us to spend on luxuries, when I should be building my bankroll. For the next few weeks I will only play those tourneys I have been staked for (Deadly Staking, and Stake Me For... staking) and magazine freerolls for big packages. From 2010 I have goals...

  • To accumulate the bankroll to play in all of the APAT tournaments, online and live. (this is something for 2012 I think)
  • To build the bankroll to be 'able' to play larger buy-in added value tourneys - eg. Betfair $18k.
  • To play more live tourneys in Newcastle. (I struggle not to prefer sitting in the house playing value added tournaments over the hassle and length of going into town and paying £25-£35 to play in a live tournament with no added value)
  • To satellite into a GUKPT by end of 2010. (well, didn't play for the majority of last year, but achieved this at the first time of asking this year :D )
  • To satellite into a WSOP/WSOPE by end of 2011. (not realistic, not least because I'm not even gonna try this year. I think by end of 2015 is a realistic target)
Football Goals I played every Sunday until I got injured in Jan 2008, put weight on, and have never got back playing. :spank
  • Linked to my fitness goals I guess, but to be back playing every week in January 2010. (August 2011 is my aim, my current training and diet should see this no problem)

----- So, not a lot has changed in a year :) But it is going to

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Ann's FML Challenge Diary Wow, this was hard to find in amongst the genting stuff! :lol I'm a good few weeks down my road to the Great North Run, I've lost another 4lbs in the 2.5 weeks since posting - so that's 11lbs in 7 weeks :) I'm feeling a whole lot fitter, except for having a chest cold at the moment, and have changed my diet and cut out all frozen breadcrumbed etc ****, and now mainly just have combinations of chicken, steak, fish, veggies, salad, rice, pasta Also drink about 3litres of water a day. Feeling good and looking forward to September :) I've created a fundraising page, and had permission from Paul to append it in my signature but can't seem to get it to work so going to stick it here. If you would be kind enough to throw a couple of £ it's way when you have a big win then it would be much appreciated. And I shall reward you with pictures of my post-training feeling like deathness :lol (I can't do refunds when you go on a run of negative variance mind :lol)

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Re: Ann's FML Challenge Diary

I've created a fundraising page, and had permission from Paul to append it in my signature but can't seem to get it to work so going to stick it here.
I've amended your profile to allow extended signatures (hopefully) so give it another go. Good luck with the training. :ok
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  • 2 years later...

Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary I doubt there are many souls who can rival me for sheer lazy hopelessness :unsure October 2009 I started this thread ffs. March 2011 the 'cobwebs were dusted off it. Now it's June 2013! Time to look at the goals I set myself, laugh/cry at how far I have missed them by, set new goals, and kick my shoddy backside into action to actually attain them!! ---------- Family Goals Spend less time on the internet - FAIL Being a good Daddy - PASS Go to bed as same time as wife - FAIL Fitness goals Do a 5-mile run - FAIL, though I did get past 5miles when training for GNR Do a 13-mile run - FAIL, injured my knee 5 weeks before GNR and didn't get to do it Do a marathon - FAIL Health goals 13st 7 or under - FAIL 12st 7 or under - FAIL 12st or under - FAIL Work goals Have at least part-time job - FAIL Poker goals The other things are much more important than anything poker-related, so concentrating on those. Poker success (however it is quantified) will come once the other things are fixed! ---------- Not a high strikerate!! Concentrate on the positives - I am an amazing Daddy, and make no apologies for the self-proclamation of such. Literally everybody you could ask who has ever seen me with my kids would attest to it without hesitation. Everything else needs work. Unfit, overweight and not in employ - and I am a way better Daddy than I am a Husband!! I know the path to true weight loss is never a smooth one... my target is to average a loss of 1lb a week. I will strive for better, but if I can maintain a lb a week average then I am going to do ok. I have football on a Sunday, starting Boxercise on a Friday, I have an exercise bike at home, some wobble board shizz to improve your core, and there's any amount of roads and park that can be jogged on. I have a 5km race in September, that is my first tick. Completing a half marathon by my 37th birthday and a full marathon by my 40th seems achievable. Work - I think I have applied for 2 jobs since Xmas, I need to up it and try harder. Having been the stay-at-home parent is all well and good, but I have it in my head that a man doing that is looked upon less favourably by employers when trying to re-enter a working environment. Target is to give my head a shake and find something. Less time on the internet for sure - during the day needs to be treated like a job... scour jobsites for a set period of time, then get the house sorted for the remainder, with a break for lunch. But no wasting, and there can be not other word - WASTING, time on the internet on crap. I know everything is achievable - easily achievable - if I try. I need to start trying though :$ Onwards and upwards... :hope

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Samba's FML Challenge Diary Let's call it 3 weeks since I revived the thread... I've dropped from 15 stone 12.6 to 15 stone 7.2, so meeting my 1lb / week aim with a little to spare, which will likely come in useful if I have a bad week. Also, I've just completed a 5km run... well, probably ran (jogged, obv :) ) for about 3.5km total and fast walked the rest. I went 2.6km before my first walk, not too bad given it's the first run I've done in 23 months. Joined up with a local running club - the Sweatshop Running Community out of the Metrocentre shop - will surely be easier to keep up the hard work in a group of like minded people, than out pounding the streets by myself. Done 5.25km in 33:57, so that's the 'ground zero' target for me, if I can clip bit by bit off each time then I'll be happy. Onwards n upwards :cheers

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