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NutsPoker Red Hot Vixens Final - wish me luck tonight


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Re: NutsPoker Red Hot Vixens Final - wish me luck tonight

:sad Gremlin. Winner takes all so nothing for runner up? :(
It was just one prize package worth $3000, other 69 players get nothing. It wasn't just a HU. I was favorite to win that. I had 252.912 chips vs 97.088 First preflop all in was his K10 unsuited vs my pair of 4's Second preflop all in was my KQ unsuited (172.842) vs his j9 unsuited (177.176) and where he got an J on the river. :wall Oh well, that's also poker. Just at the last card of the tournament that should have been a victory for me I find out that I lost :sad Better luck next time that it's for an package :\
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