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2m2k - happyhornet


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I have decided to do this in order to try and focus on playing poker properly with direction and proper bankroll management. I have no doubt that due to my limited time to play and my limited ability that I will fail to get to $2500 but that does not preclude me from trying. I will also play limited cash games and will also look for good value MTT's rather than, as Martyn says, playing 5 hours for $10 on a FT/Stars tourney. My focus will be multi table STT on Microgaming and Devilfish with good value MTT's. I will also include my cut from the Betfair games as when playing these, I will probably play 0-1 other games. I'll probably post retrospectively, but will hopefully include a full list of my impending failures:lol Good Luck to us all:hope Steve

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet I will calculate this into dollars in the morning, but tonight looks like this: Cash: -4.49 euros 20 man MTT's -11.00 euros (4 games, met AA twice) MTT +$12.70 for 69th in focus game ($18.20 - 5.50 stake) I am normally good at the 20-45 man MTT's but they were calling with anything and made it difficult. also facing Aces twice when all in doesn't help.

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet

Disaster. Lost 2.5 buy ins already. :@ AA lost twice all-in vs 66 and JJ. They re-raise all in with middle pairs and hit:wall
Make that 3 buy ins or 60 Euros. AA again, two limpers, raise to 5x BB, two callers, both check the 973 rainbow flop, I bet 3/4 pot and someone raises me, I re-raise all-in, they call and have QTs. Runner runner hearts for the flush:@:@:@ Right now, I would happily walk away from the game forever. I know it is variance, but **** me, the last couple of weeks , I've had too much ******* variance!!:sad I think I need to take a couple of days away from this and see what my $400-odd stack can do next week.
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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet The loss was $88.23 leaving me $401.69:( Ah, the cold light of day...I have looked at the hand history and I feel I did nothing wrong, just got caught by some bad luck. The 66 hand comes up Q high on the flop, I figure his raise looks like AQ or possibly KK or the flush draw that was out there, so it seemed a natural call. He had hit a set. It happens. The JJ was a dry 9-high flop, the money was always going to end up in the middle, it was a two outer for him. The last hand defies belief, I hadn't lost a buy-in on this table and had played pretty tight though I was down to €14, but he obviously felt that a gutshot and a backdoor flush draw was a good hand.:unsure I normally find Friday and Saturday evening from 10pm on the European based sites quite lucrative as the post pub brigade log on. Not so last night. That was the worst single session I have ever faced, hence my previous post. I will go down to 5/10c cash and 3-5 Euro MTT's to try and get this back on track. I won't play over the weekend due to :beerand I don't want to be chasing losses whilst pi$$ed!!

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet Always good to take a day or two off. mate if you want to see varience I have a notepad file with about 50 hands in it all from earlier this week were every hand I went out on in a sng was a joke badbeat lucky I managed to play through it and break even in about 300 games. Took a day off and then my luck changed and started winning again. It can be quite soul destroying even if it's just $3 games like it was for me! GL enjoy the weekend and come back stronger!

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet

Chin Up Steve - from every negative look for the positive - there'll be one in there somwhere. :D
The positive was I played a $5.50 tournament last night and sat comfortably in the money positions with the bubble not far away....and then...... Got dealt Aces and called a raise on the button. Flop comes AQ7 rainbow. He checks, I bet, he raises all-in:nana. I call and he shows KJ and hits a ten on the river and I'm out. Bank $396.19
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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet After the debacle of the weekend, I am ready to proverbially get back in the saddle. I will play a couple or three MTT's tonight. I may go slightly outside of the 2% bankroll to have a go at BTB tonight. I have enough loyalty points to enter but may need to add-on. Equally, if tired, I may not play the tournament at all.

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet I did feel that I started off okay, but I looked at my stats after my inevitable;) downfall and I am playing way too tight. I am playing like a fish waiting for big hands (and then getting beaten:lol). I played 6 MTT's lost $28.53 in total that leaves me with $367.74. This is not going well (understatement) and I think the inward pressure to get back to $500 and beyond is making me play less than optimally (another understatement!!). As much as i want to make this work, I think what is happening is trying too hard NOT to lose and playing scared. That is no way to play poker and the opposite of the way my A-game, such as it is, operates. I think I need to give this a bit of consideration as to what to do next.:ok

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet Played one tournament last night and turned $15.50 into $47.62 with a 126th place finish in the Stars $5 (2 rebuys and 1 add-on) tourney. I felt that I played pretty well, and didn't get my aces cracked once:cow $399.86 is the current bank. I think I am going to tidy up my poker accounts and get the money out of them all and just have one or two sites with my entire bankroll in rather than $100 here, €20 there. I'll use up all of my FPP's in each site to try and increase the bankroll before I withdraw. I'll put something like £500 in there and go from there. I'll actually stop being a lazy git and get rakeback sorted aswell. Any suggestions on a site? I'm thinking maybe William Hill:unsure, want it to be a european based one that has good tournaments around 7-00 to 8-30 starts in the evening.

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet Not the ideal preparation for a game of poker...8 hours at the Nottingham Beer Festival:beer, followed by a couple of pints watching the video ref cheat St Helens out of the Grand Final:spank, followed by a few glasses of wine watching X Factor:$...but.... 8/79 in Devilfish tournament for 33 Euros for a net gain of $33.82 251/2992 on Stars for a net gain of $22.05 Bank = $455.43:clap

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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet

2 tournaments, 2 final tables. Full details in MTT winnings threads, but on PokerKings it was a profit of €41.70 and on Ladbrokes it was €67.75. Transferred to dollars it is a profit of $160.96 gives a new bank of $616.39:nana
:clap:clap Good One Steve
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Re: 2m2k - happyhornet

Nice Steve :ok
Thanks Martyn. To put some meat on the bones, the MTT losses includes Sunday's which I forgot to post and is $32.41 converted from Euros. My cash winnings on Devilfish saw me return a profit of 105.16 Euros = $154.65 for net profit of $122.24 New bank: $707.75
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