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RE: Club Poker game


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Hi guys 'n' gals, I am hoping some of you guys would be able to help me? Some of the guys from my local cricket club like the odd game of poker and we even play for fun when it's raining during a cricket match. Not always good as when the rain stops no-one wants to go back outside to finish the game!! :\ Anyway, my question is: If I want to set up a game at my cricket club, where a fee is paid and half the money goes to the club and the rest is split amongst the players, how much can I charge in total? I seem to remember something about £100 or less but not really sure. Also, what structure would people recommend for a 2-3 hour game assuming 20 people played? 6 player tables 1000 chips each 25/50 starting level, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200, 150/300, Levels up every 30 minutes And is there any free software out there to help me with running this? Thanks Dave

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Re: Club Poker game I have seen Poker Tournament Clock software in live games. Maybe for 20 men it would be ok to just have a laptop on a counter which shows the Time, blinds and levels. Here's free software to get that, but there are probably many other alternatives: http://www.poker-clock.com/default.aspx The buyin + rake is totally dependant on the people who want to play, and I think you know them better then I do. How rich are these guys that you are thinking about trying 100 pound buyin? :loon Maybe some local PL in the neighborhood would want to join if you lower the rake a bit :hope

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Re: Club Poker game The Local pub game we have usually attracts 10-15 players and we start with 1000 chips. Play for an hour with 10/20 blinds and after that double them up every 30 mins it is usually over in 3 hours. Fair bit of play first two levels before the shove fest finale. Think £10 is the most you can charge in a pub but a club might be different.

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Re: Club Poker game

I have seen Poker Tournament Clock software in live games. Maybe for 20 men it would be ok to just have a laptop on a counter which shows the Time, blinds and levels. Here's free software to get that, but there are probably many other alternatives: http://www.poker-clock.com/default.aspx The buyin + rake is totally dependant on the people who want to play, and I think you know them better then I do. How rich are these guys that you are thinking about trying 100 pound buyin? :loon Maybe some local PL in the neighborhood would want to join if you lower the rake a bit :hope
Sorry for the confusion but I meant £100 combined entries, so £5 or £10 entry. I think £100 would be a bit steep for most but some would pay! And I definitely wouldn't let you bunch of sharks into the game!!! I want a chance to win... :eyes Starting blinds at 10/20 makes more sense. I will try out the clock. As it will only be around 20 people I think the format sounds OK. Assuming 'word' does not get out to the nanny-state authorities I would assume we could charge whatever people would pay. I am sure there is a legal limit for clubs and pubs... hopefully some-one can tell me as I would be interested in knowing. I will try and google it later. Thanks u2 for your responses! :ok
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Re: Club Poker game

Pretty sure you want be able to charge a rake certainly not 50%.However perhaps the entrants if all known may make a donation to the club of say £50 after the event ;-)
Cheers Guppie! I'm sure I can sort something out. As it would be members only I will see what people are willing to pay and go from there. Agree with Donation as that is what it really is anyway. Should think £10 per player including donation should be OK... I would word it as £5 plus donation to the club and suggest it is £5 or MORE but no obligation. Buys a few more cricket balls for ,me to bowl with next year! ;) Found this on the net so sounds like the plan could work... Question: Is it legal to play poker, for money in a private members club, such as a rugby club, if you are not charged for the room? Answer: 1. Poker can be played in a private members club. But the club must have a membership of not less than twenty-five and the club's membership and its rules of constitution must not be of a temporary nature. Gaming must also not be the principal purpose for which the club is established or conducted. 2. Again, there can be no levy on the stakes or the winnings of players and no member of the public must be allowed access to the club. 3. In practice, it is virtually impossible to organise a poker competition legally other than in a licensed casino as breaches frequently occur in relation to:

3.1 location; or 3.2 access by members of the public; or 3.3 advertising; or 3.4 charging an entrance fee; or 3.5 making a levy on stakes or winnings.

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