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My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply


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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply thanks man, i believe i have an edge over most micro and low stake players but i pick ppl on other stuff like trust and commitment to be able to play, i agree with you on there will be no fish taking up the challenge as the majority would not even go on these forums

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply No disrespect to any one else but I suggest you play Nade or GaF(if he puts his name up) they are probably the best at analysing a set of results. They will both put you in the right direction should you get your butt kicked and would be the most greatful for the lesson if you are a potential internet prodigy and whip theirs:clap

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply okay Woodie i hav put you down wats your username on stars ? also to reply to glceud i will decide in a month once all apllications are in and the 2 you say out of them only Nade is interested and Gaf doesn't seem to have spoke much on the forum so i doubt it but he is welcome to apply

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply pokerstars will allow for a private game if any1 has over 2000 fpp, i personally don't as i have olny had pokerstars for a few months but if i choose someone that has over that then we will try for private games if possible.I will also state even though 100 games we can multi table too, it will just depend on a decision each nigh.I am looking more for 1 tabling with the odd time 2 and 3 if we need to catch up with some games

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply so guys i will be deciding in a few weeks if everything goes to plan.I might not be on this as much but any1 still wanting to apply just leave your name i have a few high stake players on pokerstars(Adonis) (PaulGess) who have spoken interest but arn't sure because of the small stakes it probably not worthwhile for them and i also have some low stake and guys on 2+2 who have applied

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply hi guys:D just letting every1 know on here that my challenge is going to be delayed until next year(2010) sometime, any1 who is on my list will stay on it unless they request to come off and i will put up another post on here next year.Same rules will apply.It will be roughly February to April

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply

hi guys:D just letting every1 know on here that my challenge is going to be delayed until next year(2010) sometime, any1 who is on my list will stay on it unless they request to come off and i will put up another post on here next year.Same rules will apply.It will be roughly February to April
I'll be the first to say GTFO !!!!! Have you gone broke or something? That can be the only decent excuse. Can someone ban this guys IP please ty.
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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply i will jus be busy and stuff so i wouldn't have time to play i aint went broke at all lol so i dnt know wer you are gettin your facts from maybe Nade your jus worrying caus you might be broke in a few months anyway as i said any1 on my list will still be on

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