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My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply


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Poker Challenge: Well i am opening a challenge set for November and open to any1 willing to challenge me in heads up sit n gos $2.20 here's the rules and info: i am allowing any1 who has a pokerstars account or is willing to get 1 to play them on there in the $2.20 sit n go heads up game No limit Hold Em.Now starting from 1st November to 1st January i will play my opponent in a series of 100 heads up matches of No Limit Hold Em and there will be a side bet on, i have $50 on the line if i lose more than 50 games and my opponent will have $35 on the line if they lose more than 50.In the unlikely case it's 50/50 then no side bet but the i don't see this happening! here's some rules 1) Since it is my rules to keeping stats and stuff i have put more money over my opponenent and also as i am favourite to win so only fair,i will keep my opponent updated on regular basis but they will know who's ahead or not anyway 2)the only game type will be No Limit Hold Em Heads Up, NO OTHER 3)An opponent can choose to pull out but would owe the other the side bet.Example, say you have played 50 sit n gos and i have won them all well the chances of you wnning 50 r 0.1% so instead of playing me with more money in the sit n gos you drop out and just pay me $35 or vice versa 4)there is no set number to play each day, just when both players have free time.As long as we get 100 games done which should be done easily within the time bracket,plus if we play 2 games 1 day you can quit for the 3rd on that given day even if you planned to play more, that is cool 5)After 100 games or when a player quits the other player must transfer money over pokerstars or cash in hand depending on who i play and what is agreed before we start the challenge 6)Maximum time is January 1st but it could end anytime before that as long as it's before that time 7)games can get filled fast with these stakes so be ready to register quickly 8)the people who apply i will windle it down to six and choose 1 player with5 remaining back up players, note on that player must be able to play 100 games within the dates permitted.As long as they arn't away on holiday for 2 months or that it will be fine i will explain in a minute how to apply for my poker challenge, first though i will tell you why i am doing it, there are 2 main reasons really. Firstly i feel i have a good edge in micro stake games and was just wanting to show over the long run of 100 games i should be successful so i am willing to put more than my opponenet on the line with my guidlines in place or else hardly any1 would be interested, so i believe i can beat any micro stakes players.The reason i left open to any1 is because i still believe i have edge over higher ability players and if there interested in playing at these micro levels then fair enough and the higher stakes players won't even bother but for talking sake if they did i would still play so thats one of my reasons.My other reason is i just want to have some fun and spice things up a bit, sometimes challenges can keep you motivated and stuff and the side bet keeps you motivated in this challenge more than the money won in each game So if you want to apply send me an email [email protected] and state your interested in my challenge and if successful i will get back to you round about 20th October if you have my number you can contact me that way or twitter me, even if your interested but not sure about send me an email if you need more detail or that and i will try and help So there is my poker challenge, apply if interested and willing to put the money up for it and good luck on being selected

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply $2.20s on Stars are killer mate. Any HU SNGs where rake is >5% is just massively -EV as you need a higher ROI just to breakeven. If you are a winner at $2.20s, from previous experience, there really isn't any difference between them and $5.25s so why not just play these? I would be interested fella as it sounds like a good laugh and as you said, challenges are a good way to stay motivated :) but $2.20s aren't really enough to make it interesting for me so there are probably a few better people to take you up on your challenge! Best of luck to you and whoever you play though! :ok P.S. For your interest (and also whoever takes you up on it) why not get someone you can both trust to 'hold' the sidebet? Can't think of anything worse then playing someone for the 100 games and then them refusing to ship the sidebet should they lose?!

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply I accept your challenge only if we get a trusted member involved who acts as an escrow before hand. Also the only difficultly I see in this is registering for them as you say they fill up instantly fast we may end up registering and being to slow and playing anybody. But I'm up for this put me down.

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply

Also the only difficultly I see in this is registering for them as you say they fill up instantly fast we may end up registering and being to slow and playing anybody.
Shouldn't be too bad once you get reg'd in one game together because of the re-match button on Stars. Also Woodie mate, this guy seems to have been 'spamming' his challenge by copying and pasting it on various forums (inc. 2+2) so tbh if you want to hear a response I think e-mailing is probably your best bet as he may not even ever check PL again! ;)
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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply okay guys first off i am 18, pokerstars can prove that as i showed ID to them so there is no problem there.As well as that yeah TQD i can see your point there isn't much dif but i wanted to start the challenge for mostly micro stakes players but i left open to any1 just incase they where interested and yes any1 wantin to apply email me : [email protected] so i take applications through my email and then i will choose 1 person to play that i trust and want to play, so send me an email and state your applying for my challenge i will choose a player round about the 20th of October and will send this person an email to make sure they are still okay and will also keep a few backups. i will try to be on the forum as much as possible to answer questions and stuff relating my challenge so send me an email if you want to apply or any questions feel free to message me through this thanks guys

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply I'd be genuinely interested in this as it's low stakes, on stars and november is a good time for me. But will need your sn on Stars, will need to clarify if the games are normal or turbos? money will have to be held with an escrow.

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply yeah the money will be held by an escrow but it can't be decided yet as i havn't chosen any1 for my challenge so would need to be an agreement by both to who will be the escrow, the games would be normal, btw email me if your interested with your pokerstars username if possible and any more info. i am keeping a list and will decide who i will play in a months time from the ppl who have applied

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply Ritchie, nothing personal (I don't know you, so how could it be personal?), but I think you might struggle to find somebody keen to act as an escrow. If this were a challenge between two PL members whom I knew and trusted, then I'd be happy to do it, as I'd be confident that all it would involve would be hanging on to their stakes and paying the winner at the end. But it would be stupid for me to get involved if I might get involved in disputes about who had won how many games, who had caused trouble about playing games in time, etc., etc. Quite probably it would be played in good spirit without any arguments, but as I don't know you, I simply have no way of knowing that. And I suspect that anybody here that you asked to act as an escrow would feel the same way.

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply Nade i am not changing when i am starting and stuff , i'm goin on holiday during October so can't.Also yeah it aint x factor lol but i want to leave it open for a month so that i can then choose who to play based on trust and other things.But you must email me with your stars name to be on my list, feel free to if you want to take up my challenge

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply I'm not going to e-mail as i don't want to get any dodgy e-mails from some random TBH so i'm declaring my interest here. SN = Blavdes. I assume your plan is to filter out the very worst 'applicants' and then use october to work out how to beat that player before playing them in november, which is good from a +EV standpoint but BS for a 'challenge'.

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply

I'm not going to e-mail as i don't want to get any dodgy e-mails from some random TBH so i'm declaring my interest here. SN = Blavdes. I assume your plan is to filter out the very worst 'applicants' and then use october to work out how to beat that player before playing them in november, which is good from a +EV standpoint but BS for a 'challenge'.
RitchieEss....in the unlikely event that you choose to play against Nade, I'd be interested in a side bet that says Nade takes you apart!:ok You're not going to get any fish taking up this challenge.....I think you've come to the wrong Forum if that's the master plan?:D TQM
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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply Sorry, it just seemed a lot of games (100). Did i ever say it was wrong of anyone to respond. I make no claim to play at "higher" levels, I'm a sporadic player these days, grind some cash from SnGs, don't play MTTS anymore (PB is just under $2k) so no you'll not see a big win from me, but 100 games for $50 isn't something that strikes me as worthwhile. Each to their own though.

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply Everyone's ruining my action :lol FWIW i'd be willing to do the challenge with a fellow PL'er from october 1st with similar rules as in the OP, not because i think i have a massive edge or even any edge it would just be a cool thing to tick over with. $50 would be a good bet as any more and i'd have to take the challenge more seriously and that would impact on my cash game no doubt! Anyone up for some low stakes HU SNG type challenge?

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply

Everyone's ruining my action :lol FWIW i'd be willing to do the challenge with a fellow PL'er from october 1st with similar rules as in the OP, not because i think i have a massive edge or even any edge it would just be a cool thing to tick over with. $50 would be a good bet as any more and i'd have to take the challenge more seriously and that would impact on my cash game no doubt! Anyone up for some low stakes HU SNG type challenge?
My $30 against your $50? I'd accept this. Let me know
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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply okay Nade i already explained i can't play in October due to holiday and busy quite a lot but the reason i am wanting people to apply is so i can find someone who seems genuine and not rushing into.I am not looking for a fish as there would be no purpose to my challenge but i just want to pick someone who i trust and who plays regular.So Nade want me to put you down for it ? also if you 2 r playin another challenge good luck to you both:D

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Re: My Poker Challenge Open to all any1 can apply All the best with this Ritchie, dont think theres likley to be any muppets applying and as you know you can beat the average player at these stakes I suggest you take the hardest opp possible. You might lose but for the price its probably better than moving up the stakes just to get knocked back down.

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