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Inside Poker WSOPE FR Betfair


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Re: Inside Poker WSOPE FR Betfair

Couldnt find the thread
I put it in the diary when I got the mag and assumed someone would post up a thread and I'd link it later. :\ Didn't get in til 9'ish and had forgotten about this. Opened Betfair to see how the team game was going and table popped up! I had 40 chips and 2 away from my blind. Think I won with 48s, then AK, then A10, then AA. Now on 5000. :lol
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Re: Inside Poker WSOPE FR Betfair foregin bar stewards - im out - thinking of stronger words but being polite NL Texas Hold'em $0 Buy-in + $0 Entry Fee, Level:9 Blinds(300/600-50 ante) - Thursday, September 10, 21:51:41 GMT 2009 Inside Poker WSOPE Freeroll #266408 Table 1 9-max (Real Money) Seat 1: LUCKEE ( 28,390 ) Button: acesmace ( 18,640 ) SB: dacedark ( 18,080 ) BB: heyrob ( 19,075 ) Seat 5: Hajzelpl ( 35,187.50 ) Seat 6: NOT YET ( 20,759.25 ) Seat 7: 5hortstak ( 19,682 ) Seat 8: Marls ( 15,388 ) Seat 9: adico ( 41,061.50 ) Tourney Level:9 Blinds(300/600-50 ante) LUCKEE posts ante [50] acesmace posts ante [50] dacedark posts ante [50] heyrob posts ante [50] Hajzelpl posts ante [50] NOT YET posts ante [50] Marls posts ante [50] adico posts ante [50] 5hortstak posts ante [50] dacedark posts small blind [300] heyrob posts big blind [600] Preflop: 5hortstak is dealt 8, 8 1 checks, Hajzelpl calls 600, NOT YET folds, 5hortstak calls 600, Marls folds, adico folds, LUCKEE folds, acesmace calls 600, dacedark calls 300 Flop: J, 8, Q 1 checks, heyrob bets 1,725, Hajzelpl raises to 3,450, 5hortstak raises all in 19,032, acesmace folds, dacedark folds, heyrob folds, Hajzelpl calls 15,582 **Showdown** Hajzelpl shows J, Q 5hortstak shows 8, 8 Turn: K River: Q :puke:puke Hajzelpl wins 43,239 from main pot with full house, Queens full of Jacks

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Re: Inside Poker WSOPE FR Betfair Managed 5th in this last night :D Thanks to Ade and Mc G for railing :clap Still no confirmation about how much me or any one else has won though :unsure Quite a few unhappy people typing furiously into the chatbox last night regarding the foreign players in this. Definetely not fair on the many mag buying brits that must have been put out by them :@

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Re: Inside Poker WSOPE FR Betfair

One of the reason I don't subscribe to the magazine any more is why should I pay for a password that you can get on a foreign site for free. I did enjoy reading the mag but I was the only one here that use to read it and on a couple of times it never got opened so didn't bother renewing my sub.
I have to agree here I used to buy all the magazines, now i get them free from casino's and the ones i cant get i dont bother with.:\ The added value of buying them isnt there anymore, with the majority of mags unable to sort out the increasing problems of non readers/foreigners getting into their suposedly exclusive readers events. I never bought the magazine/read the magazine or have any intention of doing so for the near future, but i got the password and played the game last night......that needs to be sorted asap as its not fair on genuine readers:ok
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