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What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster?


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Thought this could be fun and helpful at the same time. Similar to something done in GC a while go, only in pokering terms this time. We've all played against each other quite a bit, should have opinions on each other's games - so the idea is you say one thing you think the previous poster does well, and one thing you think they can improve on. If you post you're showing yourself willing to have the next person pass comment on you ;) Hoping it can get people to think about an aspect of their game that maybe they haven't given much thought too :unsure C'mon then - let's be avin ya

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster? Samba_SamPa: Things he does well: Very good player, rock solid and very consistant. Almost guaranteed to be in the top 20% of most tournaments. Plays position well (especially when he's button and I'm BB :eyes). Things he can improve on: Toughy for Samba. Maybe try not to play 7/2os OOP as often as he does ;). In all seriousness the only thing I can think of is to concentrate and try to improve HU game.

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster? right then here's my views on gaz:) things he does well a good reader of other players and the game ,willing to take risks to win or get a big stack together(which is great in a top heavy mtt)and always capable of giving you tricky decisions. maybe not so well cooking:lol maybe lacks a bit of consistancy sometimes (maybe a few too many risks)but its hard to balance the aggression to win a lot but cash consistantly also:\ top lad and generous to the core:ok

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster? OK then, if we're leaving RB out of this, I'll have a go at Uber on my limited experience of his game: Does well - seems to fairly TAG early doors, and will generally wait for good hands, meaning he can probably get away with the occasional bluff. Not so well - once he has a healthy chip stack, he relaxes and tries to bully a bit more than he needs to, leading to the stack diminishing more quickly than it should. This is perhaps grossly unfair, and others (including Ben) might have different, and more correct, opinions. However, this is a good idea and I'm keen to get feedback on my own game from others (and Pete - being a fishy luckbox is not necessarily a BAD thing:ok)

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster? Hehehehehe ... So, McG. Things he does well - if he manages to get a bit of a chip lead on a table, he'll often use the chips along with position to increase his stack. Also, if short-stacked, he will often be patient enough to wait for the right hand to come along at the right time before pushing (as long as it's not A-10os ;)) Areas he could improve on - consistency. Often we've been in the same tournament on Virgin or whatever, and he bombs out early, only to return the following week and come second. His results (to me at least) seem to be either in the bottom 30% or the top 10% - if he could identify what it is he does differently week by week and push more results up to the top 10% he could storm it something rotten.

(hope that was OK, please don't stop giving me money)

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster? Well Rob - I know what YOU think of my game, but I was looking forward to seeing what someone else thought. As for you, I think you share the McG curse of limping in to too many pots, when you should be raising or folding :spank

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Re: What's Your Opinion Of Previous Poster?

I was looking forward to seeing what someone else thought.
Well you're the last poster so I will oblige... Things you do not so well: Getting your chips in the middle when you're miles behind me. Things you do well: Turning that 'miles behind' into 'way in front' by the time the river lands. ;)
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